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Live De Rossi, follow the Roma coach’s press conference LIVE

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Live De Rossi, follow the Roma coach’s press conference LIVE

ROMA – First press conference as Roma coach for Daniele De Rossiwho will make his debut on the Giallorossi bench tomorrow, Saturday 20 January, for the home match against Verona.


De Rossi’s press conference ends

Daniele De Rossi’s press conference ended a few minutes ago.


The dangers of the match against Verona

Tomorrow there is Verona, here’s what shouldn’t be underestimated according to De Rossi: “First of all, Verona… It’s a solid team led by a coach I respect a lot (Marco Baroni, also a former Roma defender, ed.). They have a defined game and physical players, the emotion of the debut shouldn’t play tricks on us. I hope there is no bad mood and we must all be very warm: me on the bench, the players on the pitch and the fans in the stadium“.


Rome’s problems

De Rossi then analyzes Roma’s problems: “We also encountered some problems while watching the matches. I don’t think Roma played as badly as they said, but they played some games very well and others very badly. This up and down was the problem. He had some alternations from the point of view of performance on the pitch. We are giving ourselves the ideas and reasons, but it would be disrespectful to say it here in the press conference. Live you are impressed when you see when Dybala, Lukaku, Pellegrini touch the ball… The one who impressed me is Pisilli, I didn’t think he was so strong. I admit I didn’t know him“.

Roma-Verona, De Rossi’s probable lineup: there are many new features


From Rossi and Mourinho

De Rossi is asked about Mourinho. If Roma made the Portuguese coach fed up and if he and Mou felt: “I sent him a message, he had written to me when I accepted Spal, it was a necessary and right gesture. What if he got bored? You have to ask him and I don’t care that much with all due respect. I can’t concentrate on other things now, I have to concentrate on Roma because in recent days I’ve also had to do many other things: the uniforms, the contract, other non-football things. I can’t wait to be able to just think about football“.


The discontent of the fans

Regarding the bad mood in the environment in Rome, after Mourinho’s dismissal, De Rossi says he is calm: “I’m not stupid, the calming effect is a bit of a bad way to define the choice to take me. I think that maybe with other coaches here the reaction could have been even worse. I don’t need extra stimulation, it doesn’t destabilize me. Many factors must be taken into consideration when choosing how to replace a coach as beloved as Mourinho. If they had hired other coaches, the reaction would certainly have been worse in the short term. The fans are an important part, the packed houses in the stadium who brought the points. Nobody takes away the love they felt towards Mourinho, but nothing stops them from loving me too, continuing the trail of love at the stadium. Clearly they didn’t choose me for my results at Spal, but for many other things. This could be a huge opportunity for me. One doesn’t think that they will send away the most successful coach and take you. I expected to become Roma manager, but in a more gradual process. The history of coaches who came in on an interim basis and then stayed is full. The last one is Palladino who I don’t think was chosen to be one, but then he earned confirmation given that he is now one of the two-three best in the world. ‘And. I don’t have to pretend that I’ve never been in here, I don’t have to pretend that I don’t love Pellegrini, Cristante… They advised me not to come with my car, but I don’t have to pretend to be poor. I don’t have to pretend nothing happened… you can have respect for roles while being friends. When we enter the field, I felt like a coach there. They look at me, listen to me, follow me, it seems to me that they like what they hear. now let’s see if this will lead to scoring points“.

De Rossi and Roma on the pitch in Trigoria: watch the kicking challenge!


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Three or four defense?

Will Roma play with a three or four defense? “I fall in love with this work with Spalletti, then Luis Enrique. These types of coaches, who bring many players into the offensive phase and defend with four, made me fall in love. However, this team has been playing with threes for years, now let’s see, they can also defend in one way and attack in another through some rotations, let’s see. Maybe we will change during the match or depending on the opponent“.


De Rossi’s contract

On the contract until June, DDR explains: “Presidents Dan and Ryan were very clear about the length of the contract and the tenor of my stay here. I said ‘that’s fine’, put the amount and I just want a bonus for the Champions League. It wasn’t blank but I would have signed blank, naturally I won’t spend my whole career like this but the only thing I asked him is to treat me like a coach, not like a legend, not like a former player, I don’t want to go around the pitch with Romolo . I will play it to the death to stay here and I think they are satisfied with this, I want to earn my confirmation on the field in a clean way“.

Rome calendar, De Rossi’s first seven games to relaunch the season


De Rossi’s football

What would I like to be remembered for? If Guardiola said my football there would be that breath of genius and I would accept such an expression, but I am not at their level at all and I don’t know if I will have that trademark. I think that if our team is recognizable at the end and the players know what to do among themselves, I will be happy with this“.


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Champions League goal

What would make De Rossi happy at the end of the season? “If we were among the top 4 in the ranking. When you change manager it’s not easy, this happens: it’s not such a rare thing, there are some problems that I don’t have to analyze too much, I have to start from 0-0 and in 3-4 days you don’t have time to analyze everything. Luckily, I am a fan of this team and therefore I don’t have to watch the videos again because I have seen them all, it is the team I know most in the world and therefore we have shortened that study phase. Roma don’t refuse, it’s a bit like what happened to Pirlo years ago. There are men who refuse and men who throw themselves into it. It’s not just the desire to return or nostalgia, the only reason to say no would have been if it had been a mediocre team, but I think that this is a strong team and the work will help us make a good impression.“.

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De Rossi and Totti

Did I hear Totti? He sent me good luck in which he showed me his happiness and his amazement, which at the beginning was also mine. We spoke a couple of times, we promised to see each other and we will spend some time together which is something we always enjoy.” READ THE NEWS

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The press conference begins

Daniele De Rossi’s press conference begins. These are his first words: “When the coach changes you always see the players going at a thousand miles per hour in the first training sessions. The first training sessions give you answers up to a certain point, we’ll have to see if we can maintain these rhythms, but the first answers are incredible. The players also absorbed the first two-three concepts we gave. They are sponges.”


Slight delay, De Rossi soon

Slight delay in the start of the press conference: De Rossi will speak shortly.

Rome, away to the De Rossi era: here is his arrival by car in Trigoria


Rome’s moment

After the first day back, Roma are ninth in the standings, which It hasn’t happened since January 2003, on the weekend of De Rossi’s debut in Serie A as a footballer. The Giallorossi team is fresh from elimination in the Italian Cup at the hands of Lazio and from the defeat in the championship against Milan.

De Rossi from teammate to coach: here are the Roma players he played with


The first days of De Rossi as Roma coach

De Rossi took over on the Giallorossi bench last Tuesday, after José Mourinho’s dismissal in the morning, and already that day, in the afternoon, he directed the first training session in Trigoria.

Rome, De Rossi and the words of the first day:


De Rossi’s words soon

Daniele De Rossi’s press conference is scheduled for 10am at the Fulvio Bernardini Sports Center in Trigoria.

Fulvio Bernardini Sports Center, Rome

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