Home » LOGISTA Acquisition of Belgium Parcels Service completed for expansion of courier business in Benelux – Companies

LOGISTA Acquisition of Belgium Parcels Service completed for expansion of courier business in Benelux – Companies

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LOGISTA Acquisition of Belgium Parcels Service completed for expansion of courier business in Benelux – Companies

Logista, one of the leading logistics companies in Europe, has announced the acquisition of Belgium Parcels Service (BPS), a company specializing in the urgent destruction of pharmaceutical products in Belgium and Luxembourg.

This strategic acquisition represents an important milestone in Logista’s expansion in Europe and strengthens its position in the pharmaceutical distribution and courier segment. BPS distributes parcels via 24-hour courier in Belgium and Luxembourg, and 24-hour in Holland, France and Germany. The Belgian company specializes in the distribution of sensitive products, especially temperature-controlled medicines to hospitals and pharmacies.

This transaction completes the acquisition of Speedlink Worldwide Expres (Speedlink) in 2022, which represented Logista’s entry into the Dutch market, the country with the largest number of B2B distribution centers in Europe. BPS and Speedlink allow Logista to access the entire Benelux region, thus expanding its presence in Central Europe.

Active in the logistics market for over twenty-five years, the company manages a 3,500 square meter warehouse and carries out approximately 700,000 deliveries per year. The acquisition of 100% of the company was carried out for a sum close to 8 million euros, subject to the complete audit of the accounts for 2023.

And this acquisition is part of the strategic plan launched by Logista two years ago, focused on geographical and commercial diversification through operations that exploit synergies, improve market position and expand the business into new European markets.

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