Home » Luciana Fuster and her request for support towards Patricio Parodi during a difficult time: “no one is free from anything” | Showbiz

Luciana Fuster and her request for support towards Patricio Parodi during a difficult time: “no one is free from anything” | Showbiz

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Luciana Fuster and her request for support towards Patricio Parodi during a difficult time: “no one is free from anything” |  Showbiz

An unprecedented event worried the followers of ‘This is war’. The captain of the ‘warriors’, Patricio Parodi, cried abruptly in the middle of the live program this Friday, February 16, after the hosts introduced Luciana Fuster as support. The event generated various reactions from the other competitors, who seemed not to know exactly what was happening to the popular ‘Pato’. Later, he received a hug from his colleagues and nice words of support from Luciana Fuster.

What happened to Patricio Parodi?

Patricio Parodi He appeared on ‘This is war’ this Friday, February 16, despite the bad moment he is going through and this was recognized by Johanna San Miguel, who was initially shocked when she saw the reality boy cry.

The popular ‘Chata Power’ explained at the beginning of the program that Patricio Parodi He had not had a good day, so it is understood that the reason is due to personal issues. At that moment, the historic captain of the reality show broke down and walked away from the cameras to burst into tears.

On social networks, Patricio Parodi also gave some details of his state of mind. “Sorry, guys, today is not a good day. I’ll be back here tomorrow,” he reads in his Instagram stories.

Patricio Parodi speaks out on his social networks. Photo: Instagram

What did Johanna San Miguel say about Patricio Parodi?

Johanna San Miguel expressed solidarity with Patricio Parodi and offered him words of support. In addition, she commented that Luciana Fuster had come to the program especially to give strength to the reality boy.

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“Luciana is here precisely for him, to accompany him, because it is a difficult day for him. She is going to be a support for our captain (Patricio Parodi) today. We are going to give you all our support, I have never seen you like this. She is a personal situation that you are going through, we are not going to mention it, we are just going to give you all your support. If you do not feel comfortable, we understand you. If you want to leave the program, you can do so,” said the television presenter and also actress.

What did Luciana Fuster say about Patricio Parodi?

Luciana Fuster took the microphone after hugging Patricio Parodi and he strongly asked the program’s colleagues to support the popular ‘Pato’ in this complicated moment he is going through and not ask him the reasons for his condition.

“Unfortunately, no one is free from anything. It is a quite complicated and strong day, but Patricio is a true warrior. He needs everyone’s support. Please, no one asks what happened,” said the current winner of the Miss Grand International.

Luciana Fuster: how long will she be the host of ‘This is war’?

On his triumphant return as guest presenter on ‘This is war’, Luciana Fuster showed her support for Patricio Parodi, who went through a difficult time in his personal life. The hosts stated that the current Miss Grand International would be support for one day.

What did Luciana Fuster say about romantic relationships?

Luciana Fuster, after commenting on her performance as Miss Grand International, also addressed the topic of relationships, focusing on intimacy.

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The presenter asked him: “Do you think a relationship can last without intimacy?”to which Fuster replied: “No (it is possible to last without intimacy). In my opinion, everything is complementary, everything advances together, everything works together,” he initially declared, receiving applause from the presenters and the program’s team.

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