Home » Members of La Única Tropical are kidnapped: particulars of the criticism, launch and testimonies

Members of La Única Tropical are kidnapped: particulars of the criticism, launch and testimonies

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Members of La Única Tropical are kidnapped: particulars of the criticism, launch and testimonies

Two members of La Única Tropical are kidnapped and launched after a live performance in Piura, based on reviews. | Successful

Two members of La Única Tropical stated that they had skilled hours of terror after being victims of an alleged kidnapping. In an occasion that has shocked the musical neighborhood, Carlos Burgos and Giancarlo Chunga, members of the famend Piura group, had been reported lacking throughout the early hours of Monday, May 13, after having carried out a live performance in Tambogrande.

The cumbia orchestra initially reported the sudden absence of each artists after the automobile through which they had been touring was discovered deserted on the street, producing a wave of concern for his or her well-being.

Their chief, Walter Chunga, revealed in an interview with native radio that, after their present, the musicians selected to separate from the remainder of the group to pay a go to to their moms earlier than persevering with with their agreed shows.

They kidnap and launch two members of the group La Única Tropical de Piura after a live performance. | Composition/Infobae

During the journey, they had been intercepted by a black Toyota Hilux truck with eight armed people on board. These topics proceeded to retain the musicians beneath the mistaken perception that they possessed the cash collected throughout their efficiency.

Along these strains, he additionally supplied chilling particulars in regards to the incident, stating that the criminals took the artists out of the cellular, took them to a desolate space, beat them, stole all their belongings and eventually left them tied hand and foot, with out discovering the cash they had been searching for.

“A Hilux van with 8 closely armed people kidnapped them. I feel they bought confused and thought that they had the cash for the occasion. They took them out of the truck through which they had been touring, took them to an open area, beat them and deserted them there and took all their belongings,” the chief reiterated in a chat with Edwin Sierra for Nueva Q.

Police report made by La Única Tropical. | Diffusion

The musical group La Única Tropical didn’t take lengthy to report the alleged kidnapping to the authorities, who’ve begun an investigation primarily based on the testimony of these affected and the police report, which coincides with the narrative provided by Walter Chunga in regards to the dynamics of the occasions. .

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The report additionally confirmed the intervention of a black Toyota Hilux automobile from which the eight armed assailants had descended, giving weight to the speculation that it was a deliberate felony act, though with an goal misinterpreted by the alleged kidnappers.

This incident unleashed a wave of consternation not solely among the many members of the orchestra and their family members, but in addition among the many collective’s huge base of followers, who expressed their reduction upon studying that Burgos and Chunga had been discovered alive, though not unhurt. bodily and emotional.

Statement from La Única Tropical. | instagram

The musical neighborhood united in assist of the performers, denouncing the violence and threat that musicians and different actors within the inventive area face within the face of citizen insecurity.

Manuel Farías, head of the native Macro Police Region, gave extra particulars of the case in a press convention. According to the knowledge he handles, the alleged victims didn’t file a police report, elevating questions in regards to the veracity of the declare.

The police excessive command confirmed that these musicians didn’t formally ratify the very fact, even supposing they had been taken to the Tacalá Police Station, Castilla. To reinforce his speculation, he identified that the automobile through which they’d have been kidnapped was discovered with out indicators of theft or harm.

Two members of La Única Tropical are kidnapped and launched after a live performance in Piura. | Successful

Given this, a potential extortion is being investigated. According to the knowledge supplied by the overall, within the Piura area there are greater than 567 complaints for this crime. Meanwhile, the PNP via the native DEPINCRI will examine the case and coordinate their findings with the Public Ministry.

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