Home » Michael Kretschmer: Hello? Didn’t something happen in Dresden?

Michael Kretschmer: Hello? Didn’t something happen in Dresden?

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Michael Kretschmer: Hello?  Didn’t something happen in Dresden?

Michael Kretschmer with Caren Miosga, shortly after the attack on a Saxon politician: That could have been an important show. It became commonplace.

May 6, 2024, 2:58 am


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In a talk show with ARD presenter Caren Miosga, Saxony’s CDU Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer talks about the increasing violence against politicians and other professional groups in Saxony. Despite current events, such as the brutal attack on Saxon EU MP Matthias Ecke, the discussion focuses mainly on political issues and Kretschmer’s handling of criticism. The question of whether there is a specifically Saxon problem with extremism is addressed but not deepened. Kretschmer emphasizes that the violence is not limited to one region and avoids directly addressing the issue. Nevertheless, it is clear that Saxony has a special political dynamic that can be both productive and destructive. Kretschmer, who is preparing for an upcoming state election, does not seem to want to mess with his own people and often presents the Saxons as particularly intelligent and self-confident.


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Model Output

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total_tokens: 1976

Note Michael Kretschmer previously at the rally for democracy on Sunday in front of the Brandenburg Gate. © Achille Abboud/​imago images

Perhaps there has been too much talk of turning points in recent years. Maybe they’ve been summoned a few times too often.

After the riots in Chemnitz in 2018: turning point! After the murder of Walter Lübcke in 2019: turning point! After fires set in refugee homes: break!

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So perhaps a certain fatigue with calling for a break has crept in by now. Maybe we don’t believe that word anymore. And perhaps that’s why ARD presenter Caren Miosga did a kind of business-as-usual broadcast in her talk with Saxony’s CDU Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer on Sunday evening.

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