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Michelle Ziudith Reluctant to Have a Boyfriend of a Different Religion

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Michelle Ziudith Reluctant to Have a Boyfriend of a Different Religion

Jakarta, Beritasatu.com – Artist Michelle Ziudith said she was reluctant to date people of a different religion. This statement concerns the couple Rizky Febian and Mahalini Raharja, who have different religions and will soon get married.

Michelle revealed that she had had experience dating men of different religions. Even though their relationship was beautiful, they ultimately had to separate due to issues of faith that could not be forced.

“My last ex was about a year ago. However, my most beautiful ex was actually in 2017. God is one, but we are not the same (beliefs),” he said when he was a guest star on Dr. Richard Lee’s podcast as quoted Beritasatu.com, Saturday (4/5/2024).

Furthermore, the religious differences between Michelle and her lover meant that the two of them had to separate because they did not want to be in a relationship with different beliefs.

“I don’t want to make people log in or make people log out of their religion because of me. That’s a big responsibility for me, especially since I took him from his family and it wasn’t his fortune,” he said.

Michelle Ziudith said she also didn’t want to have a companion who had the same profession as an artist.

“I don’t want to date fellow artists. In my opinion, artists are friends so I don’t want to date fellow artists,” he said.

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