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news, situation in Rafah, tension in the Middle East and more

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news, situation in Rafah, tension in the Middle East and more

The United States Threatens to Veto Ceasefire Resolution in UN Security Council

The US ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, issued a warning that the United States would veto the resolution proposed by Algeria calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza if it were to be voted on in the UN Security Council as drafted.

In a statement on Saturday, Thomas-Greenfield stated that the United States has been working on a deal between Israel and Hamas that would result in the release of hostages and a pause in fighting for at least six weeks.

President Biden has been involved in multiple calls with Prime Minister Netanyahu, as well as the leaders of Egypt and Qatar, to advance this agreement. Despite remaining differences, key elements are on the table, according to the ambassador.

“We believe that this agreement represents the best opportunity to reunite all the hostages with their families and allow a prolonged pause in the fighting, which would allow more food, water, fuel, medicine, and other essentials to reach the hands of Palestinian civilians who desperately need it,” she added.

Thomas-Greenfield expressed that the proposed resolution in the Security Council would not achieve these results and could even work against them. Therefore, the United States does not support action on this draft resolution and would not adopt it if put to a vote as is drafted.

Arab countries at the UN reaffirmed their support for the Algerian draft resolution, which calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and unhindered humanitarian relief amid Israel’s imminent ground invasion of Rafah.

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In her statement, Thomas-Greenfield called on the UN Security Council to ensure that any action taken in the coming days increases pressure on Hamas to accept the proposal on the table. She emphasized that the United States would continue to engage in diplomacy and be candid with Israeli and regional leaders about expectations for the protection of Rafah’s more than one million civilians.

“It is critical that other parties give this process the best chance of success, rather than pushing for measures that put it, and the opportunity for a lasting resolution of hostilities, in jeopardy,” the statement said.

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