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News Udinese, Cioffi has three certainties from Saturday: Giannetti, Thauvin and Lucca

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News Udinese, Cioffi has three certainties from Saturday: Giannetti, Thauvin and Lucca

The coach has had proof that he can count on these three players to get out of the difficult situation in the rankings

Despite the goalless draw which did not remove the Friulians from the red zone of the standings, Cioffi can smile. In fact, the performance against Monza left three happy notes: the good debut of Lautaro Gianetti and the confirmation of two certainties such as Thauvin and Lucca. He spoke about them today The Gazzettino explaining the impact of the Argentine centre-back on his first appearance in black and white: a master of defence.

Excellent performance Florian Thauvinthe player from his Marseille days is back: he took the team by the hand, proving to Cioffi that he is an element essential. Even Lucca on Saturday, despite not having scored, was among the best. He also helped in the defensive phase, often scoring his header. The former Pisa player is making himself noticed and Coach Spalletti is also keeping an eye on him given the shortage of players in the central striker role.

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February 6 – 6.53pm

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