Home » Niger, media: “Pup plotters have asked Wagner for help”. The US suspends a series of planned aid

Niger, media: “Pup plotters have asked Wagner for help”. The US suspends a series of planned aid

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Niger, media: “Pup plotters have asked Wagner for help”.  The US suspends a series of planned aid

On the day preceding the expiration dell’ultimatum given to Niger by the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) for the restoration of constitutional order in the country, scheduled for tomorrow 06 Augustnew and important indiscretions emerge on the visit that the coup leader general Salifou Modi carried out in the near Maliwhere, according to some media, he would have had significant interlocutions with the group Wagner, which operates in a structured manner in the country. This is what theAssociated pressciting the journalist e researcher at the Soufan Center Wassim Nasr, who explained that the visit was motivated by a request for help extended to Wagner by the Nigerien coup junta. An aid that, again according to Nasr, is particularly necessary as it “could ensure the maintenance of power” to the perpetrators of the coup. The meeting was later confirmed, as well as by France24also from Malian diplomatic sources and French, according to which the Wagner group is currently evaluating the request.

In recent days, the member states of ECOWAS, meeting at Abujahave prepared a plan for a possible military intervention in Niger and placed its armed forces in a state of alert to be ready in the event that operations should be triggered. Modi, after his return to the country, responded by assuring that Niger “will not be a new Libya”, after announcing in previous days that “any aggression or attempted aggression against the State of Niger will see an immediate response and without warning” . A line that cashed the support of allied neighbors Mali e Burkina Fasoalso governed by two military juntas.

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Meanwhile, the situation in the country is undergoing new changes every day sanctions and limitations, seems to become gradually more complex. After Nigeria’s decision to suspend the supply of electric energy to the neighboring country, on which it depends for the 70%yesterday at World Bank reported that he has blocked a series of help planned for Niger. Today the United States they followed the same approach suspending in turn a series of programs of assistance for the benefit of the Nigerian government. According to the Secretary of State Antony Blink however, humanitarian aid is guaranteed along with some life-saving food supplies.

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