Home » North Korea, Kim Jong-un reappears in public after more than a month

North Korea, Kim Jong-un reappears in public after more than a month

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While in Beijing Chinese President Xi Jinping started the summit via videoconference with US President Joe Biden, with an announcement that knows little of chance, the North Korean regime media announced the public reappearance of Kim Jong-un beyond a month after his last appearance, as if to confirm the recent assessments of the Seoul intelligence, which excludes health problems for the young dictator from the North.

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On 11 October, Kim showed up at a military equipment fair. This time, however, he personally wanted to celebrate the “model city” of Samjiyon, a symbol, in the words of the leader himself, of the “iron will” of his people to “achieve prosperity” despite international pressure and isolation.

Samjiyon is located at the foot of Mount Paektu, “sacred” in the mythology of North Korean power, not far from the border with China. The city is equated with a sort of “socialist utopia” where new residential complexes, hotels, resorts and commercial, medical and cultural structures are built. Its development is a project dear to the North Korean leader since he took over the leadership of the country after the death of his father and predecessor, Kim Jong-il, in late 2011.

“Thanks to the energetic leadership of Kim Jong-un, determined to make the city a model of a modern mountain city and an ideal location, as befits a sacred place of the revolution, the construction of the city has been vigorously carried forward. from the work of the whole party and the state in three phases, and will end this year “, underlines the North Korean news agency KCNA. The making of Samjiyon, Kim said, “is associated with the noble loyalty, strong will and sweat of our people,” and represents “a starting point for a new revolution that makes the people of the local areas witness a leap in the progress towards a highly civilized life on a cultural and material level “.

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