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“On immigration, in the end I will prevail”

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26 maggio 202319:14

The 27 member countries are working to reach an agreement


I 27 EU countries are working to reach an agreement on the new Pact on migrants. One of the key principles would be to establish a formula, calculated on the basis of objective and shared data, to define “the adequate capacity” of each country to host migrants (and the related application of the “border procedures” of identification). This dynamic mechanism, which would take into account entry and exit flows, would be accompanied by “an annual ceiling”. Quotas and thresholds would be functional to trigger the interventions of “compulsory solidarity” by the other States. “In the end, I’ll win,” commented Giorgia Melons.

The principle – diplomatic sources underline – is still “the subject of discussion” at the negotiating tables and is part of the working method agreed between the 27 according to which “nothing is decided until everything is decided”. Also because the Migration Pact is a very complex mosaic made up of various legislative pieces, such as directives, recommendations and regulations.

Work is underway to make the “principle of solidarity” mandatory A draft mediation proposed by the Presidency clearly indicates that it is necessary to “further refine the balance between solidarity and responsibility” and that “the particular geographical position of border Member States must be taken into account”. In any case, the text excludes that the relocations will ever be made “mandatory”, although they are foreseen among the solidarity measures together with the “financial contributions” and unspecified “other interventions”. Indeed, as the Swedish presidency has already specified, work is being done to make “the principle of solidarity” compulsory and not one measure in favor of another.

Negotiations – specifies a diplomatic source – are proceeding quickly to arrive at the next Internal Affairs Council – scheduled for 8 June in Luxembourg – with a position shared as much as possible, in order to achieve the objective of closing the Council’s negotiating mandate and being able start the trilogue with the Commission and Parliament, at least on the part concerning the management of asylum and migration.

The words of Giorgia Meloni Meanwhile, at the rally for the conclusion of the electoral campaign in Catania, the prime minister had his say on the issue of migrants. “We’re in the worst immigration juncture, but I promise you, I’ll crack it eventually. And when we sort this out, it won’t be a
boutadeI prefer to spend more time but find structural solutions”.

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