Home » Operation Praetorian: MP requires a ban on Madureira and “Polaco” | public service

Operation Praetorian: MP requires a ban on Madureira and “Polaco” | public service

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This Tuesday, the Office of the Public Prosecutor (MP) requested that Fernando Madureira, the chief of the Super Dragões, and Hugo “Polaco”, a member of the cheer group, be detained, within the heart Operation Praetorianand the digital surveillance home arrest of Vítor Catão.

A judicial supply advised the Lusa company that, in selling coercive measures for use towards the defendants by the Criminal Investigation Court (TIC) of Porto, the Parliamentary prosecutor defended that Madureira and Hugo Carneiro (“from Poland”) are underneath coercion. probably the most severe measure: preventive detention.

For Vítor Catão, who selected to not make an announcement earlier than the felony investigation decide Pedro Miguel Vieira, the Member of Parliament defended the request for home arrest, with digital monitoring.

For the 9 remaining defendants, the MP’s prosecutor requested for a ban on communication, a ban on entry to sports activities services and periodic submissions to the authorities.

After the promotion of the Member of Parliament, the attorneys of the 12 defendants offered their arguments, however the coercive measures shall be recognized on Wednesday afternoon, at 4 pm.

Meanwhile, on the finish of the afternoon, Fernando Madureira’s spouse, Sandra, and 5 of the seven arrested on the Bela Vista police station. (Hugo Loureiro, Fernando Saul, Vítor ‘Aleixo’, Vítor Bruno Oliveira and José Pereira) they had been launched.

The investigation began with a giant delay, in comparison with the appointed time (10 am), when the investigating decide Pedro Miguel Vieira arrived on the TIC at 11 am.

Last Wednesday, the PSP arrested 12 individuals – together with two FC Porto staff and the chief of Super Dragões, Fernando Madureira -, as a part of the group. Operation Praetorianinvestigating the occasions that befell on the General Assembly (GA) of FC Porto on November 13.

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According to the court docket paperwork, which the Lusa company had entry to, the Public Prosecutor’s Office said that the Super Dragões followers meant to “create a scenario of intimidation and concern” in FC Porto AG.

The Office of the Attorney-General of the District of Porto introduced that “crime that harms the integrity of the physique within the context of a sporting spectacle or an occasion associated to a sporting occasion, coercion and severe risk, incitement to crime in society, throwing objects or liquid merchandise and different. assaults on freedom of data”.

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