Home » Pasuruan City Police Members Secure League 3 Football Match at Untung Suropati Stadium – POLRI PUBLIC RELATIONS DIVISION

Pasuruan City Police Members Secure League 3 Football Match at Untung Suropati Stadium – POLRI PUBLIC RELATIONS DIVISION

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Pasuruan Police – Members of the Pasuruan City Police carried out security at the League 3 football match which took place at Untung Suropati Stadium, Pasuruan City. With discipline and solid cooperation, they ensure that the match runs smoothly and safely for all spectators and players. Sunday (28/1/2024).

This security was carried out as part of efforts to maintain order and security during sporting events. Pasuruan City Police members were stationed at various strategic points around the stadium, including the entrance, spectator stands and areas around the stadium.

Head of Operations for the Pasuruan City Police, Commissioner Roy, said that this security was carried out as part of efforts to maintain order and security during sporting events. Pasuruan City Police members were stationed at various strategic points around the stadium, including the entrance, spectator stands and areas around the stadium.

“In this security, members of the Pasuruan City Police are working together with stadium security officers and other related parties to ensure security during the match. They are ready to respond to various situations that may arise and provide a sense of security for all parties present.” Said Police Commissioner Roy.

The success in carrying out this task confirms the commitment of the Pasuruan City Police in maintaining security and order in its area.


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