Home » Polka dot cookies … and back :)

Polka dot cookies … and back :)

by admin
Polka dot cookies … and back :)

…. I may have started this post in a thousand ways, but how do you say “I’M BACK!!”, I said it, yes I’m back, so many of you via email in this (almost) year have asked me for the because of the silence. Many things have taken away my desire to cook, because for me cooking is like breathing and if I breathe badly, you too will understand that I get hiccups and sobbing while cooking doesn’t lead to anything good 🙂
Now my breath is gradually returning to the “good” one and I approach the kitchen not only to feed myself, but also to invent, combine flavours, colors and smells which is the joy of cooking, otherwise what’s the taste ?? 🙂
So I decided to reopen the windows and give air to my virtual kitchen and not, it was too long since I opened my cabinet of wonders!!

cabinet of wonders...

Re-start with an easy and colorful recipe, to tell the truth I only prepared the ingredients and baked, the real chef was Andrea my ONLY BIG LOVE the joy of my life and the strength of every day 🙂

We :))

ingredients for about 25 pieces

200g of flour
a pinch of salt
1 packet of vanilla sugar (I used a teaspoon of my own vanilla sugar)
75g of sugar
125g of butter in small cubes
1 pack of colored chocolate chips

Heat the oven to 200°C. Cut a piece of parchment paper and spread it on the baking tray. pour the flour into a large bowl. Add the salt, vanilla sugar and sugar and mix everything.
Add the pieces of butter and mix them with your hands into the flour.
Add the colored chocolate chips and shape the dough into a ball.
Divide the ball into pieces the size of a walnut. Shape into balls, put them on the pan and flatten them a little with your hand. Bake the cookies in the center of the oven for 15 to 20 minutes until golden brown. Remove the biscuits from the paper and let them cool on the wire rack, then once cold keep them in a metal box….as long as you don’t eat them all IMMEDIATELY :)))

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(recipe taken from “Children at the stove” IKEA”)

Being a recipe for creative children, I also want to tell you about an online store of wonderful games The Nut Bear You MUST drop by you will be delighted… trust me right??!! :))))

I want to dedicate this wonderful song to all those (there would be too many to list) who have supported me this year and who have continued to believe in me, people of flesh and blood, virtual people, it doesn’t matter, I felt your love and thank you to you I come back to live and smile THANK YOU THANK YOU :)))

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