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Pope Francis Encourages Intergenerational Communication for a Stronger Church: Reflections on World Grandparents and Elders Day

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Pope Francis Encourages Intergenerational Communication for a Stronger Church: Reflections on World Grandparents and Elders Day

Pope Francis Highlights Importance of Intergenerational Communication on World Grandparents and Elders Day

(Vatican News Network) – Pope Francis presided over mass on the morning of the third World Grandparents and Elders Day, emphasizing the significance of intergenerational communication in learning the beauty of life and enhancing the life of the church. The ceremony took place in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, with over 8,000 believers in attendance.

Under the theme “His mercy from generation to generation” (Lk 1:50), the universal Church celebrated the World Day of Grandparents and Elders on Sunday, July 23. In his homily, Pope Francis reflected on the three parables of the day’s Gospel, which all revolve around the concept of growing and learning together.

Drawing from the parable of the wheat and the weeds growing together (cf. Mt. 13:24-30), the Pope emphasized the need for Christians to maintain a grounded perspective in life. He explained that both good and evil coexist in human history, and it is crucial to recognize the presence of evil within oneself while combatting it with patience and understanding.

The Pope cautioned against impulsive and aggressive actions to eradicate evil, urging Christians to embrace a more tolerant and patient approach. He emphasized that God’s work ultimately prevails over evil and that it is essential to respect others and seek reconciliation.

Moving forward, Pope Francis addressed the longing of older individuals to correct past mistakes and dwell on the past. He invited grandparents and elders to accept the mysteries of life with peace and patience, leaving judgment to the Lord. He regarded old age as a blessed time of reconciliation and tenderly looking at the light that has revealed itself, with trust in the hope that good will triumph over evil.

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In the second parable, which likens the kingdom of heaven to a small mustard seed, the Pope highlighted the significant role grandparents play in teaching the warmth and tenderness of family to children and grandchildren. He stressed the importance of intergenerational exchange in learning the beauty of life, building a society of fraternity, and fostering mutual encounters in the Church.

The third parable, kneading dough with the leaven of heaven, reinforces the message of intergenerational exchange and the need to overcome individualism and selfishness. Pope Francis called for a collective effort to prevent the elderly from being marginalized, abandoned, and left alone.

Concluding his homily, the Pope urged young people and elders to share grace, grow together, listen to each other, talk to each other, and support each other. In a symbolic gesture, the WYD cross was handed over from five elders to five young people, who will participate in the World Youth Festival in Lisbon from August 1st to 6th.

The celebration of the World Day of Grandparents and Elders reminds believers of the importance of intergenerational communication and its significant impact on enriching lives within the Church and society. For more information, visit www.vaticannews.cn.

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