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Positive debut for Ngonge and Dendoncker in Napoli against Lazio

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Positive debut for Ngonge and Dendoncker in Napoli against Lazio

In the challenge against Lazio, Cyril Ngonge and Leander Dendoncker they made their official debut with the Napoli shirt, adding new recruits to the team department. Both were deployed in the second half of the match held at the Olympic stadium.

Decisive raids and threatening punishment from Ngonge

Today’s edition of Il Mattino describes Ngonge’s arrival on the scene as energetic and determined. The young player troubled the opposition’s defense with daring runs, forcing the hosts to use more robust measures. Furthermore, he won a dangerous free-kick from the edge of the area, an opportunity that Zielinski came close to turning into a decisive goal.

Dendoncker: tactical discipline and contribution in the defensive phase

Leander Dendoncker, who took over from the Polish Zielinski, demonstrated that he respected Mazzarri’s instructions. The Belgian midfielder occupied a key position, replacing an exhausted Demme, and played a screening role in front of the defense. His tactical discipline was evident, and he also tried to contribute to the offensive actions during the restart phase.

Consent for the debut of new purchases

The Campania newspaper reported positively on the debut of Napoli’s two new signings from the January transfer market. Ngonge and Dendoncker’s performance received plaudits for the dynamic and tactical contribution they brought to the team during the match against Lazio. A debut that promises new perspectives and options for Napoli this season.

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