Home » Radja Nainggolan hints that he still wants to play in Indonesia next season, playing in League 2?

Radja Nainggolan hints that he still wants to play in Indonesia next season, playing in League 2?

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Radja Nainggolan hints that he still wants to play in Indonesia next season, playing in League 2?


Bhayangkara FC foreign player, Radja Nainggolan, protested while competing at the PTIK Stadium, Blok M, Jakarta, Friday (1/3/2024).

BOLASPORT.COM – Bhayangkara FC midfielder, Radja Nainggolan, indicated that he still wants to play in Indonesia next season or after the 2023-2024 League 1 is completed.

Bhayangkara FC closed Liga 1 2023-2024 with a 0-1 defeat to Persis Solo, Tuesday (30/4/2024).

Belgian midfielder Radja Nainggolan was only on the bench in the match and immediately said his farewell on social media.

Bhayangkara FC is certain to be relegated to League 2 next season, even though in the second half they were strengthened by Radja Nainggolan.

Radja himself played in 10 matches in League 1, collecting 1 goal and 3 assists.

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Radja Nainggolan (left) is celebrating after scoring a goal in the match week 29 of Liga 1 2023 between Bhayangkara FC versus Dewa United FC at PTIK Stadium, Blok M, Jakarta, Saturday (16/3/2024) evening.

“I want to thank this family who gave me the opportunity to live by my side,” said Radja Nainggolan, opening the caption on Instagram.

Radja indicated that he still wants to play in Indonesia next season.

However, he has not yet decided whether to continue his contract with Bhayangkara FC or join another team.




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