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reached the highest of Everest!

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reached the highest of Everest!

It has been a 12 months since he launched this loopy problem : attain the roof of the world, Everest. Lucky wager this Tuesday, May twenty first! Videographer and broadcaster Inoxtag, whose actual title is Inès Benazzouz, managed to climb the best level on the planet (8,848 meters). “I’ll solely come again after reaching my objective,” the younger man mentioned in an Instagram publish.

It took the 22-year-old YouTuber simply over a month to realize this. The climb he made with mountaineer and excessive mountain information, Mathis Dumas. It was the final one which made Everest attain Inoxtag, because it was accompanied throughout its preparation.

Many months of preparation

The man who can also be a photographer spoke to Dauphiné Libéré a couple of days earlier than the beginning of their ascent. “The first time somebody mentioned the phrases Everest and YouTuber to me, I assumed to myself, that smells like mud,” the director informed us on the time. But, motivated to achieve its wager, Inoxtag was in a position to shortly impress Mathis Dumas: “Inès is likely one of the finest purchasers I may have. I needn’t present him tips on how to tie a knot 36 instances earlier than he is aware of tips on how to do it. He is studying quick and above all he’s very motivated,” confirmed his trainer.

Before tackling Everest, the 2 males examined their abilities on Dent du Géant (4013 m), Mont Blanc (4807 m) and the Matterhorn (4478 m).

A controversial hike

But the alternative challenge of Inès Benazzouz didn’t trigger criticism. “It’s the epitome of promoting Everest,” mountaineer Marc Batard criticized. on BFMTV. “It’s nonsense!”, exclaims Pascal Tournaire, Everest’s common photographer, earlier than including: “Most individuals who go there do not care concerning the mountain and need to attain the summit, only for the sake of vanity. »

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Soon the documentary

Although few photographs have been filtered from this climb, it’s going to quickly be the topic of a documentary, as a videographer captured his journey. It ought to be there in September.

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