Home » Rema 1000 and Snapchat send hundreds of thousands of Norwegians on an Easter egg hunt

Rema 1000 and Snapchat send hundreds of thousands of Norwegians on an Easter egg hunt

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Rema 1000 and Snapchat send hundreds of thousands of Norwegians on an Easter egg hunt

This Easter, Rema 1000 has created a virtual shop on Snapchat using creative AR technology and sent hundreds of thousands of Norwegians out on an Easter egg hunt. The first to find all the Easter eggs in the virtual shop have won a bottle of Solo Super.

– Snapchat is part of our total media mix and it’s always fun to do something a little different during the holidays. With relevant and creative use of AR, we see that our customers like to spend a lot of time – with high quality – on a fun experience. Easter is no exception and that is why we have created a virtual Rema 1000 store where Snapchat users can look for Solo Easter eggs in our store, says Yvonne Dennésocial media manager at Rema 1000.

So far, close to half a million Norwegians have used the Snapchat lens and all the prizes have already been awarded.

– This year’s Easter campaign is a collaboration between several players, where Rema 1000, Snap and Try Opt have created a virtual Rema 1000 shop in the Easter mood. We can already say that this year’s Easter campaign is a hit, as there have already been close to half a million unique users of the lens just since the start of the campaign this week. So you can safely say that it glides well. There is no ice in the rub for Rema 1000 on Snapchat this Easter, says Per Christian Strand TesloNorwegian CEO of Snap.

According to Tesla, Rema 1000’s Easter campaign is the first in Norway to connect the creative estimate with external APIs. This means they can include up-to-date information right into the lens to ensure the campaign stays current.

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