Home » Revealed how much Mirotic’s salary will be in Partizan | Sport

Revealed how much Mirotic’s salary will be in Partizan | Sport

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Revealed how much Mirotic’s salary will be in Partizan |  Sport

Nikola Mirotic will arrive in Partizan and will become the most expensive basketball player in the history of Serbian basketball!

Source: Profimedia

First came the news that Nikola Mirotic had agreed everything with Partizan, and now information is coming about the details of that agreement. According to information “Sports club” the experienced wing center will make money in Partizan 3,500,000 euros per year! It is said that he signed a contract for one season with an option to extend it for another year, and supposedly everything was agreed ten days ago.

Now we are waiting for that Barcelona to give the green light to make everything official, since Mirotic does not want to forgive the Catalans 22.000.000 evra how much they owe him for the last two years of the contract. When a mutual termination is agreed upon and when Mirotic receives clean papers from Catalonia, he will be able to officially become a new Partizan basketball player.

At one point, Crvena Zvezda expressed interest in Mirotic, and from the beginning of the transfer window, Monaco, Panathinaikos, Olympiakos and, at one time, Olympia from Milan were mentioned as possible destinations for the experienced basketball player.

Mirotic himself announced himself immediately after the news appeared that he had officially resolved everything with black and white and a picture from the sea. He has already advertised in a similar way several times during the transfer window, so we saw him resting at the sea, cleaning green beans, visiting churches and monasteries…


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01:02 Nikola Mirotic statement Crvena zvezda Barcelona Source: MONDO/Mladen Šolak

Source: MONDO/Mladen Šolak

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1 comment

Srdan July 15, 2023 - 6:00 pm

Lie. 😂


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