Home » Review of the podcast “Scream Queens” by Desirée de Fez

Review of the podcast “Scream Queens” by Desirée de Fez

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Review of the podcast “Scream Queens” by Desirée de Fez

A Desiree de Fez You can know her for her film reviews, for her extensive articles and interviews, for being part of the team of another luxury podcast, “The Night Sea” –dedicated to horror films–, and should be known for “Queen of scream. “A journey through feminine fears”, the book he published in 2020 and in which he established parallels between the fears of his personal life and the fears filmed in some of the great horror films in history. From there he defined a type of issues from which to build bridges between both universes, now adding the world of literature, which represents a good part of the prominence of this series of programs.

To all this we must add this podcast of which, at the time of writing this text, has already had two dozen episodes shared on platforms with interviews lasting around an hour. Starting with an obligatory question about female fears as a starting point, Desirée has very interesting conversations with Spanish and Latin American film directors, actresses and writers such as Laura Fernández, Isabel Coixet, Carlota Pereda, Carla Simón, Sara Mesa, Pilar Pedraza or Mariana Enríquez.

She connects with all her guests through close and warm conversations that make them all feel as comfortable as if she were talking to a good friend. From there the conversations flow towards a variety of topics that always depend on the guest and that manage to keep us hooked throughout the entire minute thanks to the good hand of Desirée de Fez to maintain a rhythm that never falters.

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