Home » Rhineland-Palatinate: Spring is calling, rail strike again, waste separation day

Rhineland-Palatinate: Spring is calling, rail strike again, waste separation day

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Rhineland-Palatinate: Spring is calling, rail strike again, waste separation day

As of: March 7, 2024 10:00 a.m

What happened that night in Rhineland-Palatinate? What does tomorrow bring? With our RLP news ticker you are up to date!

March 7, 2024, 10:00 a.m

Take care and see you tomorrow!

It’s 10 a.m. and that means: The morning ticker is over for today. But don’t worry, we still have important news from Rhineland-Palatinate on the web, app and on social media. Tomorrow I will welcome you here again at 6 a.m. at the same location. Until then, have a good time and see you tomorrow!

March 7, 2024, 9:55 a.m

Harry Potter service in Ludwigshafen

From the section “What doesn’t exist!” The Metzger couple believe that the novels about the wizard Harry Potter have a lot to do with the Bible. And that’s why there’s a Harry Potter service tomorrow in Ludwigshafen:

March 7, 2024, 9:46 a.m

Tires chained and ransom demanded

So this sense of justice seems a little far-fetched to me. Or was it all about the money in the end? In any case, the police in Kaiserslautern had to respond to the musicians’ district because a man had chained a loose tire to a 59-year-old’s car. According to the police, the perpetrator believed that the woman had parked illegally on the side of the road. He had also left a note next to the necklace demanding a three-figure ransom before he would take the necklace off again. The officers freed the chained car from its restraints and filed a complaint against the 48-year-old perpetrator. The man is now being investigated on suspicion of coercion.

Broadcast on Thursday, March 7, 2024, 8:30 a.m., SWR4 RP Studio Kaiserslautern

March 7, 2024, 9:32 a.m

New rules for felling trees

Attention, watch out! The city council in Trier has passed a tree protection statute. After this, trees with a trunk circumference of at least 80 centimeters may no longer simply be felled. What that means? You can listen to it here.

March 7, 2024, 9:20 a.m

How do you feel about the asparagus?

Asparagus moves people’s minds, and that obviously moves you. At least that’s what it looks like on Facebook. There is lively discussion about prices, taste and consumption preferences. There are still more than three weeks until Easter, but it is still available, for example in the Palatinate. Early, like not for years. What do you think of asparagus? Write it to us in the comments!

Social media post on Facebook: Attention asparagus fans, it’s starting again! The first asparagus tips stretch their heads towards the Palatinate sky.Posted by SWR Aktuell on Wednesday, March 6, 2024

March 7, 2024, 9:04 a.m

Time travel! That was on March 7th…

…2023: In France, almost 1.3 million people are opposing the government’s pension reform in nationwide strikes and protests. One of President Emmanuel Macron’s central plans is to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 years.

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…2014: Federal President Joachim Gauck apologizes for German crimes during the Second World War during a state visit to Greece in the northwestern Greek village of Lingiades.

…2009: World champion Maria Riesch from Garmisch-Partenkirchen takes the first German overall victory in the ski slalom World Cup since Rosi Mittermaier in 1976.

…2004: In Hagen (North Rhine-Westphalia), the 98-meter-high Sparkasse high-rise (“Langer Oskar”) is being blown up. Never before had such a tall building been blown up in the middle of a major city in Europe.

The spectacular demolition of the 21-story building in the middle of Hagen city center was watched by tens of thousands of spectators.

…1999: Almost 75 years after her death, the German Anna Schäffer from Mindelstetten in Upper Bavaria is beatified by Pope John Paul II.

March 7, 2024, 8:50 a.m

Special Olympics Rhineland-Palatinate 2025 in Mainz

The largest sporting event in the country for people with and without intellectual disabilities, the Special Olympics, will be held in Mainz next year. One thousand athletes will take part, according to the organizing committee. Our reporter Jürgen Wolff from the Mainz studio knows more:

March 7, 2024, 8:39 a.m

Car in the Moselle – owner reports

Oops, what’s floating in the Moselle? A car in the river caused a large-scale operation by rescue workers in Cochem. Residents had reported that a car was drifting in the Moselle. At first it was not clear whether there were still people inside. The car was then taken out of the Moselle with a crane. Shortly afterwards, a French holidaymaker who owned the car came to the police station. She probably didn’t put the brakes on when she parked.

Broadcast on Thursday, March 7, 2024, 6:30 a.m., SWR4 RP Studio Trier

March 7, 2024, 8:26 a.m

Stalking neighbor has to go to court

Hmm, that’s a really unpleasant story: A man has to answer for stalking in the Mainz district court this morning. The victim is said to have been his neighbor, who lives in the same apartment building. According to the investigation, he did not accept that she was not interested in him. He then allegedly insulted her and stole letters from her mailbox. He is also said to have shined a flashlight into the woman’s garden at night. As a result, a ban on contact and approach was imposed on him. Since he is said to have violated this, he is now standing before the Mainz district court.

Broadcast on Thursday, March 7, 2024, 6:30 a.m., SWR4 RP Studio Mainz

March 7, 2024, 8:17 a.m

Rail strike: “I think it’s…”

Another rail strike – our reporter Constantin Pläcking asked passers-by at Koblenz train station what they thought about it. The enthusiasm is, let’s put it this way: manageable. But listen for yourself:

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March 7, 2024, 8:06 a.m

Riesling without alcohol

Non-alcoholic wine – is it any good? Apparently yes, because winemakers from Rhineland-Palatinate are also trying to produce a decent wine without alcohol content. For example Kilian Schmitges from Erden on the Moselle. He is even represented at the ProWein trade fair in Düsseldorf. You can read what he expects from it here:

March 7, 2024, 7:42 a.m

March 7th is waste separation day

Would you have known? Today is waste separation day. The date alludes to the introduction of compulsory trash cans for private households in Paris in 1884. In keeping with the “day of honor” for waste, we have prepared a little quiz for you to test your knowledge about the topic of waste separation:

  • Waste separation day on March 7th arrow right

March 7, 2024, 7:19 a.m

The view of Germany and the world

  • Im Trial against a 17-year-old after the fatal punch on a football field Pleas will be held in Frankfurt today and a verdict could be reached. The altercation occurred during a youth tournament on Whit Sunday 2023. According to the prosecution, a fight broke out between the French and German players after the final whistle. The accused is said to have first hit another player and then delivered a fatal blow to the 15-year-old victim’s neck. The accusation against the defendant is bodily harm resulting in death.

March 7, 2024, 7:01 a.m

The railway is not alone: ​​Lufthansa is also on strike

We’ve had the issue of rail strikes several times in the past few weeks. What is new is that Lufthansa’s ground staff are also on warning strike at the same time. That means: Not only trains but also flights are canceled. Frankfurt Airport has already informed that no passengers can be checked in there on Thursday. What does this mean for your journey? You can read here:

Broadcast on Wed, March 6th, 2024 5:00 a.m., Good Morning RLP, SWR1 Rhineland-Palatinate

March 7, 2024, 6:45 a.m

This is the situation on the streets

Wherever you have to go this morning: I wish you a safe and pleasant journey! You can see what the roads in Rhineland-Palatinate currently look like in our traffic overview:

Current traffic reports

March 7, 2024, 6:30 a.m

Three cats saved from fire

And here it is, the first real good news for today, and with cat content: Three cats were rescued from an apartment fire in Frankenthal. There were no people in the apartment and no one was injured in the fire, as the fire department announced last night. The cause of the fire was a burning microwave. The emergency services rescued the three cats from the smoke-filled apartment and put out the fire.

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March 7, 2024, 6:16 a.m

This is what the weather will be like today

Spring is calling louder and louder – at least today in large parts of Rhineland-Palatinate: In the morning it is still a bit cloudy in the west, but in the afternoon there is a lot of sunshine there, as in the whole country, with patches of loose clouds. The spring-like, mild weather will continue tomorrow. So, enjoy! Saturday and especially Sunday will be much more mixed…

March 7, 2024, 6:06 a.m

The next rail strike has been going on since 2 a.m

Thursday morning and we are once again on a rail strike. The GDL has been in industrial action again since 2 a.m. and the train drivers are on strike on long-distance, regional and S-Bahn traffic. I’m sure most of you have already prepared for it, but if you’re unprepared, you can read everything you need to know here:

Broadcast on Thursday, March 7, 2024, 5:00 a.m., Good Morning RLP, SWR1 Rhineland-Palatinate

March 7, 2024, 6:01 a.m

This is becoming important in Rhineland-Palatinate today

  • RLP Interior Minister Michael Ebling (SPD) is informing about this in Koblenz today Future of emergency and rescue medicine and the current implementation status using the example of Rhineland-Palatinate. The press conference will take place as part of this year’s German Interdisciplinary Emergency Congress (DINK) on March 7th and 8th under the title “together. live. secure.”.
  • At the Trier regional court today the The newly reopened trial surrounding the shooting spree continues. The process must be renegotiated because the Federal Court of Justice partially overturned the ruling of the Trier Regional Court from August 2022. The court must now once again deal with the defendant’s guilt. The reopened process could last until the beginning of May.
  • The Pfalztheater in Kaiserslautern is celebrating today Political play “The Reich Citizen” premiere. In their piece, the author duo Annalena and Konstantin Küspert search for the background of this movement and ask the question: How much of a Reich citizen is there in us?

March 7, 2024, 6:00 a.m

Good morning, Rhineland-Palatinate!

Did you sleep well? I hope your answer is yes. Then we can start the day together here. My name is Oliver Nieder and today in the morning ticker I will bring you everything that is and will be important in Rhineland-Palatinate.

How is your morning going? Feel free to send me your pictures 📸 Do you have any questions, suggestions or criticism about the morning ticker? No problem, feel free to send me an email to [email protected].

Send us your photos

Broadcast on Thursday, March 7, 2024, 5:00 a.m., Good Morning RLP, SWR1 Rhineland-Palatinate

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