Home » Ron DeSantis stands behind Donald Trump as the Republican presidential candidate – E24

Ron DeSantis stands behind Donald Trump as the Republican presidential candidate – E24

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Ron DeSantis stands behind Donald Trump as the Republican presidential candidate – E24

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is giving up his bid to become the Republican presidential candidate, he himself announced on social media.

Foto: Charlie Neibergall / AP / NTBPublisert:

21st of January

Updated January 21

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45-year-old DeSantis says in a video on X/Twitter on Sunday that he now supports Donald Trump’s candidacy.

– I cannot ask our supporters to volunteer and donate their resources if we do not have a clear path to victory. That is why I am suspending my election campaign today, says DeSantis, who came second in the Republican nomination election in Iowa.

Deeply conservative, DeSantis was at the time considered a natural successor to Trump, and the Republicans’ best alternative to the controversial ex-president. In early 2023, he narrowly led Trump in several polls.

Haley vs. Trump

But DeSantis has been losing ground for months. This is due to shortcomings in the election campaign strategy, apparently strained meetings with voters and Trump’s hitherto unwavering grip on the party’s grassroots, according to the Reuters news agency.

DeSanti’s retreat means that former UN ambassador Nikki Haley is now the last remaining Republican with the ability to unseat Trump. However, she is left with little chance of winning the party’s candidacy in the autumn presidential election.

70 percent of Republicans have a positive attitude towards Trump, the latest opinion polls show.

Far behind Trump

DeSantis’ announcement comes just two days before the second Republican primary, which will be held in the state of New Hampshire on Tuesday.

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At the caucuses in Iowa on January 15, DeSantis received 21 percent of the vote and thus took a narrow second place ahead of Nikki Haley.

As expected, Trump won a clear victory with more than half of the votes.

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