Home » Rubén Lanao, Silvestre Dangond accordion player, was denounced for broadcasting an intimate video of his ex-partner

Rubén Lanao, Silvestre Dangond accordion player, was denounced for broadcasting an intimate video of his ex-partner

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Rubén Lanao, Silvestre Dangond accordion player, was denounced for broadcasting an intimate video of his ex-partner

The world of vallenato has been shaken by a scandal after the alleged dissemination of intimate videos starring Silvestre Dangond’s renowned accordion player, Rubén Lanao, and his ex-girlfriend. What was initially a scandal for the Vallenato community due to not knowing how the dissemination of the material occurred, became a case of blackmail and violation of privacy, with direct accusations towards Lanao by his ex-partner.

The situation took a drastic turn when the woman, identified as Paula, to protect her identity, denounced, in an interview with Semana magazine, that Rubén Lanao would have been responsible for the dissemination of the intimate videos. Paula told how she had been a victim of blackmail by the musician after the end of their relationship.

According to the victim’s testimony, after ending the four-year relationship, she began to receive harassing calls and messages from the accordion player. The situation became even more disturbing when Paula revealed a WhatsApp conversation in which Lanao warned her about the possible circulation of a compromising video between them.

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“If you get a video of us, then don’t tell me anything,” reads a WhatsApp message that Lanao sent to his ex-partner and that would prove his guilt.

“This is one of those situations that you think you will never be involved in. My life took a 180° turn in a matter of hours, minutes. People have lost sensitivity with what they share and comment, they do not realize that there are human beings behind the screens,” said Paula.

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Semana Magazine reported that a guardianship ruling ordered Rubén Lanao to stop the dissemination of intimate videos, delete the images in less than 48 hours and remove all videos from digital platforms.

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“It is sad to see how my privacy and intimacy have been violated for trusting someone whom I once loved. I spent four years with a person who did not respect my privacy. Exposed and pointed out, I think it is not enough to express how I have felt in this last month,” concluded Paula, who says she feels afraid that her ex-partner will take some other measure against her. “I have practically not even been able to leave my house because of fear.”

So far, Lanao has not issued any statement in this regard in the middle of his concert tour in Australia with Silvestre Dangond. The expectation remains about possible actions that the vallenato singer could take in this regard.

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