Home » Séjourné, Macron’s number one against Meloni on migrants

Séjourné, Macron’s number one against Meloni on migrants

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Séjourné, Macron’s number one against Meloni on migrants

PARIS. Giorgia Meloni becomes an example for Marine Le Pen in the field of the fight against immigration. According to Le Figaro, this is supported by Stephane Séjourné, president of Renaissance, president of Emmanuel Macron’s party. «The French far right takes the Italian far right as a model. We must denounce their incompetence and their impotence», said Séjourné, while in recent days the French government has tried to mend the rift that took place after the declarations of its Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, who defined the Italian premier “incapable ” to manage the migration policy of his country. “Meloni does a lot of demagoguery in the face of illegal immigration: her policy is unjust, inhuman and ineffective,” added Séjourné. «Unacceptable and offensive tones. France cannot teach anyone lessons. Bring respect to the Italian government», writes the leader of the League and deputy prime minister, Matteo Salvini on Twitter.

Séjourné’s words, according to the French conservative newspaper, should be reaffirmed by the MEP on May 25 in Rome, on the occasion of the seminar of the European Renew group. But above all, Séjourné’s positions seem to confirm the thesis that he would see Darmanin’s recent attack on the Italian government as an internal political move aimed at hitting Marine Le Pen, Macron’s main rival.

But Le Figaro recalls that the leader of the Rassembement National has always kept her distance from Meloni, unlike what she did with Matteo Salvini who remains her close ally in Europe: «We don’t have exactly the same positioning with Giorgia Meloni, I said and I have no problem repeating it», the leader of the Rassemblement National recently said to the microphones of the radio station Sud Radio. However, his staff recognizes affinities on the migration dossier: “Our differences are due to different political cultures and different histories”, commented Le Pen’s entourage, before confirming a convergence of views: “France does not it’s Italy, we don’t have the same challenges. But on immigration we are very close». For this reason, the ranks of the French far-right party condemn Darmanin’s words, defined as “irresponsible and clumsy”.

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