Home » “So Eros told me you were pregnant.” And she is moved

“So Eros told me you were pregnant.” And she is moved

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“So Eros told me you were pregnant.”  And she is moved

The latest episode of Michelle Impossible and friends ended with an incredible show in which the hostess Michelle Hunziker welcomed his super guests and friends and more. In these three episodes the presenter performed dancing, singing and acting, showing that she is an all-round artist and knows how to entertain the public with exciting performances and irreverent moments.

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There was also one of the guests of the last episode Biagio Antonaccia great friend of Hunziker and her ex-husband, Eros Ramazzotti. «If it’s true that you’re there it was the soundtrack of my first pregnancy», confesses Michelle excitedly and Antonacci wanted to tell a very personal anecdote that links him to the singer Ramazzotti. The moment dates back almost 30 years ago, when Eros discovered that he was about to become Aurora’s father.

The story of Biagio Antonacci

Biagio Antonacci told Michelle Impossible how she discovered Hunziker’s pregnancy.

«We were on retreat with the National Singerswe were resting by the pool. Eros Ramazzotti he says to me: “I’ll go out for a moment, I’ll call Michelle Hunziker I haven’t heard from her all day.”

Then he comes back and looks at me: “Brother, I have to talk to you.” I had a shock, I thought: “Who knows what will have happened”. I: “Do you want to tell me here or shall we go out?”. Him: “Let’s do it here… I’m expecting a child, Michelle told me.” I had already had a son and I knew something about it. I hugged him the way people hug when they have joy, fear and shyness in their eyes. And I have never forgotten that hug. At that moment I thought I loved this man who was so true, spontaneous and sincere. I thought: “So yes, this is life. Big news moves big things in life.”

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Michelle Hunziker’s reaction

Michelle Hunziker got very emotional during the story, and in the end she could no longer contain herself, starting to cry at the end of the anecdote. Michelle Hunziker’s love for her daughters is immense and the memory of her most beautiful moments during her pregnancy and her growth moves her every time.


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