Home » Spain, ISIS threatens attacks on Champions League stadiums: over 3 thousand agents deployed

Spain, ISIS threatens attacks on Champions League stadiums: over 3 thousand agents deployed

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Spain, ISIS threatens attacks on Champions League stadiums: over 3 thousand agents deployed

Spain strengthens security measures for Champions League matches after threats of attacks by the Islamic State. In the last few hours, ISIS, through its Al Azaim foundation, has released an image on social media of a sign threatening to attack the stadiums in Madrid, London and Paris, which will host the Champions League matches.

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by Marco Carta, Romina Marceca 08 April 2024

The threat was reported by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior to Real Madrid, which this evening will play the first leg of the quarter-final match against Manchester City at the Bernabeu stadium, for which security measures had already been strengthened. The prefecture of Madrid was already alerted yesterday, but further measures will be decided in the meeting scheduled for this morning with the security forces, which will also concern tomorrow’s other Champions League match between Atletico de Madrid and Borussia Dortmund at the Metropolitano stadium , again in the Iberian capital, report sources from the government delegation cited by Marca.

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Spanish authorities are investigating the threat. The mobilization of over 3 thousand public security officers and Civil Guard is expected, according to the current anti-terrorism alert at level 4 – out of a maximum of 5 – strengthened, reports the Ministry of the Interior.

The capital is already invaded by thousands of English and German fans. According to sources in the prefecture, it is expected that 4,000 British Manchester City fans will be at the Bernabeu this evening and 5,000 German Borussia Dortmund fans will be at the Metropolitano tomorrow for the two matches considered high risk from a security point of view.

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