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Spain, large government reshuffle

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Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez today announced a major government reshuffle. After the departure of Deputy Prime Minister Carmen Calvo, replaced by the Minister of Economy, Nadia Calvino, also leaves the Foreign Minister, Arancha Gonzalez Laya, who will be replaced by Jose Manuel Albares, hitherto ambassador to Paris.

The Minister of Culture, Jose Manuel Rodriguez Uribes, and the Minister of Science and Innovation, Pedro Duque, are also leaving their posts. Fernando Grande-Marlaska (Inside) and Margarita Robles (Defense) will, on the contrary, keep their portfolios.

A particularly important departure from the scene is that of Ivan Redondo, the Prime Minister’s head of the cabinet, considered one of the “gray eminences” of the government, who will be replaced by Oscar Lopez, a historical member of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party. The Minister of Transport and Urban Agenda is also out of the government. The five ministers of Unidas Podemos, the PSOE’s main government ally, will continue in their posts. Sanchez is expected to appear in the press in the next few hours to formalize the appointments.


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