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“Speak in a personal capacity, I will evaluate”

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“Speak in a personal capacity, I will evaluate”

“We need immediate resignations”. Thus the secretary of the Democratic Party referring to Marcello De Angelis after the statements made by the head of institutional communication of the Lazio Region on the Bologna massacre (“I know for sure that Fioravanti, Mambro and Ciavardini have nothing to do with the Bologna massacre”).

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“We said it in the square in front of the station just a few days ago, on August 2, on the anniversary of the Bologna massacre: we do not accept further misdirections and attempts to rewrite history, denying the procedural evidence for which the association of families of the victims has fought hard and the Prosecutor of Bologna and the police have worked in recent years. At least if these ignoble attempts come from the spokesman of the President of the Lazio Region: immediate resignation is needed. If the leaders of the Lazio Region fail to do so, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni must take immediate action”, Schlein said, adding: “It is serious that Meloni on the day of the commemoration failed to say that Bologna was a neo-fascist massacre, it would be very serious if he continued to allow his associates to distort the procedural truth. Put an end, once and for all, to this wicked attack on the history of the 20th century. The procedural evidence demonstrates that it was a fascist massacre committed by neo-fascist organizations, with a subversive design, facilitated by deviant state apparatuses. And if someone struggles to recognize it, they are not suitable for holding institutional positions of any kind”.


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“Marcello De Angelis spoke in a personal capacity, moved by a family history that marked him deeply and in which he lost important affections. He expressed himself on his Facebook page as a private citizen and not in his institutional role which, moreover, is not that of spokesperson as erroneously reported by numerous newspapers”, declared the president of the Lazio Region, Francesco Rocca. “Let’s start from the fact that sentences are respected and, given my profession as a lawyer, I can only reiterate this. The season of massacres in Italy, of which Bologna was the most heartbreaking episode, is still an open wound for our country. The bomb of August 2 was aimed at subverting the democratic order and the constitutional values ​​so dear to us. A painful page of history marked by disturbing presences and shadows. Respect for sentences does not exempt from the capacity and willingness to continue seeking truth, especially in a murky season where the interests of secret services, deviant apparatuses and the mafia have met. I am convinced that those who represent the institutions have a duty to denounce, in the first instance, the horror of the gesture and respect the pain for the victims, expressing solidarity with the families and condemning the violence. Which, like every year in other roles, I did sincerely and not by circumstance”, he said. “Marcello De Angelis spoke in a personal capacity, moved by a family history that marked him deeply and in which he lost important affections – added Rocca – He expressed himself on his Facebook page as a private citizen and not in his institutional position which , moreover she is not that of spokesperson as erroneously reported by numerous newspapers. My spokesperson, in fact, is Carla Cace. Dr. De Angelis is responsible for Institutional Communication of the Region: a technical role for which he was chosen given his many years of professional experience and which has nothing to do with the political orientation of the institution that I am honored to represent. Since dialogue is the beacon of my work, I will carefully evaluate what to do in the next few days, only after meeting Marcello De Angelis”.

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Of the Angels

“I said what I think without fear of the consequences. If I have to pay for it and go to the stake like Giordano Bruno for violating the dogma, I’m proud of it,” De Angelis wrote on Facebook after the controversy that arose from his post. “Like every free citizen of this nation – he said in the new post – I have exercised the right to express my opinion on a solstice event in our history, based on decades of investigation carried out as a journalist and parliamentarian. And of course, I do not deny it, animated by the passion of someone who has had a dead brother, victim of one of the proven misdirections hatched to prevent the truth from being ascertained, with the use of the false testimony of the Circeo massacrer Angelo Izzo, and therefore with the personal and family right to ask to deepen each analysis until all doubts are dispelled”, he concludes.

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