Home » Sri Lanka, risk of environmental disaster after the sinking of the cargo ship

Sri Lanka, risk of environmental disaster after the sinking of the cargo ship

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Sri Lankan authorities are trying to tackle the environmental disaster caused by the sinking, off the port of Colombo, of a container ship carrying tons of chemical material. The MV-X Press Pearl, a Singaporean-flagged vessel, began sinking on Wednesday, June 2, after authorities managed to extinguish a fire that broke out for 12 days. The fire should have destroyed much of the ship’s cargo, including a total of 25 tons of nitric acid and other substances, but there is a fear that the rest of the cargo and several tons of oil will spill into the Indian Ocean.

No fishing on the coast, India asked for help

The disaster could have devastating effects on marine life and further pollute the island’s beaches. The authorities have already imposed a ban on fishing for an 80-kilometer stretch of coast and is mobilizing to stem the impact of the disaster. The Sri Lankan government has asked India for help to protect its coasts from the risk of a black tide. National Navy spokesman Indika de Silva said the coast guard was preparing for an oil spill. India has sent three ships, one of which specializes in handling marine pollution cases. According to sources from the port of Colombo, the sunken ship contained 300 tons of oil. Experts believe the bulk of the cargo was burned during the fire, but the worst case scenario is an environmental catastrophe.


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