Home » Taiwan earthquake, one hundred tremors in the night. Dozens of people trapped under the rubble

Taiwan earthquake, one hundred tremors in the night. Dozens of people trapped under the rubble

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Taiwan earthquake, one hundred tremors in the night.  Dozens of people trapped under the rubble

96 aftershocks were recorded overnight in Taiwan after the 7.3 magnitude earthquake that shook the island. This was declared by the Taiwan Meteorological Agency, explaining that the epicenter of all these tremors was recorded on the coast in Hualien County. The maximum intensity was magnitude 4. Nine people lost their lives due to the earthquake and 1,050 were injured. There are 101 people trapped and 34 missing.

A small group of six miners were rescued today after being trapped by the earthquake that hit Taiwan. The authorities report this, explaining that the men were transported by helicopter. Another 64 remain trapped in the mine. Added to these are another 50 missing, while the number of injured has risen to 1,050. Around 100 people are trapped in a tunnel, but authorities believe their lives are not in danger.

In the eastern coastal city of Hualien, near the epicenter, rescue workers used an excavator to stabilize the base of the damaged Uranus Building. Mayor Hsu Chen-wei had earlier said that 48 residential buildings had been damaged, some of which were tilted precariously with their ground floors crushed.

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