Home » Tehran and Hezbollah promise revenge against Israel

Tehran and Hezbollah promise revenge against Israel

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Tehran and Hezbollah promise revenge against Israel

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Iran and its allies are multiplying their threats to Israel on the day of the funeral of the victims of the April 1 raid on its consulate in Damascus (Syria), in which 12 people died, including seven Pasdaran. The funeral took place on April 5, coinciding with the Quds Day ceremonies, the international day for Jerusalem, which falls on the last Friday of Ramadan.

Thousands march

Thousands of Iranians took part in the celebrations in Tehran, marching with photos of the victims of Damascus, chanting “death to Israel and death to America”. “They came here to condemn the crimes of the Zionist regime, which have been going on for 75 years and, God willing, there will be a final victory on the part of the Palestinian people and Muslims,” proclaimed the Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi, addressing the young people present at the event.

The procession marched towards the University of Tehran, where the commander of the Revolutionary Guards, General Hossein Salami, assured that “no action by any enemy against our sacred institution will go unanswered.”

Hezbollah’s promise

“There will definitely be a reaction,” said Hassan Nasrallah, the head of Hezbollah in Lebanon, during a televised speech. Saying he is “proud of the alliance with Tehran”, the Shiite leader said that the Israeli raid “constitutes a turning point in the ongoing war, which brings the region into a new phase”.

Iran had already vowed revenge in the aftermath of the raid, which was blamed on Israel but not claimed. General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a prominent military leader, also died in the attack.

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