Home » That’s what a man needs to get something going with Mariella Ahrens

That’s what a man needs to get something going with Mariella Ahrens

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That’s what a man needs to get something going with Mariella Ahrens

For almost five years, Roland Trettl (52) has been pairing up singles willing to make a commitment in his Vox restaurant. For the annual “First Dates” special, six celebrities will also venture to the dating table on January 29th. Also there: actress Mariella Ahrens (54). The mother of two last appeared in public with a new partner in 2019, but her love for Michael fell apart. Now the TV personality wants to try it again!

Mariella Ahrens’ “Celebrity First Dates” candidate makes a faux pas

On the Vox show she meets creative director Marc on a blind date, who wants to hug her right from the start – not a good idea for Mariella when she first gets to know each other. In fact, she approached the TV date without any great expectations, as she tells BUNTE.de: “I’m currently very happy with my situation and I’m not really looking. Nevertheless, I was of course very curious! I was excited to find out who she was “I’ve never actually been on a blind date like that before. I just found it very interesting to possibly get to know someone in this way.” The fact that her counterpart wasn’t a celebrity wasn’t an issue for her either. “I’ve never had a celebrity as a partner before. That’s not usually my ‘direction’. Of course I have nothing against a celebrity, but I don’t necessarily need it.”

This is important to Mariella Ahrens when it comes to a new boyfriend

But what does she absolutely need in a potential life partner? The actress doesn’t make any unfulfillable demands – the main thing is that it works! Mariella: “I have to look at him and there has to be a certain attraction. He should of course be humorous, intelligent and on an equal level with me. A certain level of self-confidence is also important to me.” And: “He should also be able to show the attraction he feels towards me.”

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She definitely enjoyed this unusual experience. She raves about the filming: “The team was super funny, charming and likeable! I almost had more fun with the team than with the date (laughs). It was really, really funny!

And for anyone who has always wondered what the food in the TV restaurant tastes like, Mariella Ahrens has good news – it was “very tasty” and, above all, served “quickly”. Well then: Enjoy your meal – and maybe love will work too!

Vox will show “Celebrity First Dates” with Mariella Ahrens, Jutta Speidel, Nicolette, Tina Ruland, Tan Çaglar and Lars Steinhöfel on January 29th (Monday) at 8:15 p.m. or online RTL+.

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