Home » The cryptocurrency community criticizes the new amendments to Biden’s large-scale infrastructure bill as “disastrous”-the United States

The cryptocurrency community criticizes the new amendments to Biden’s large-scale infrastructure bill as “disastrous”-the United States

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Biden’s major bipartisan infrastructure plan has achieved rare cooperation between Republicans and Democrats, but its proposed changes to cryptocurrency regulation are dragging down the bill.The government intends to pay its planned $28 billion in infrastructure spending by tightening tax compliance in the historically under-regulated digital currency sector. This is why the issue of cryptocurrency will appear in a bill mainly about rebuilding bridges and roads.

Strong critics of the legislation believe that the bill’s efforts are sloppy, especially the declaration that anyone “responsible for and regularly providing any service for the transfer of digital assets” is a broker and needs to comply with tax reporting requirements.

Although this definition may be more straightforward in the traditional financial field, it may force cryptocurrency developers, companies, and even anyone who mines digital currencies to collect and report user information in some way, which is even impossible to decentralize by design. In the financial system.

Now, a new amendment to the key expenditure plan may make things worse.

In a joint letter regarding the text of the bill, Square, Coinbase, Ribbit Capital and other stakeholders warned of “financial surveillance” and the unexpected impact on cryptocurrency miners and developers. Two privacy-conscious digital rights organizations, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Fight for the Future, also criticized the bill.


在加密货币社区的抗议声中,一对有影响力的参议员提出了一项修正案,以澄清新的报告规则。财政委员会主席Ron Wyden(D-OR)对该法案进行了反击,与财政委员会成员Pat Toomey(R-PA)提出了一项修正案,将修改法案的文本。



怀俄明州参议员辛西娅-卢米斯(Cynthia Lummis)也支持图米和威登的修正案,科罗拉多州州长贾里德-波利斯也支持。







包括Square创始人和比特币支持者Jack Dorsey在内的加密货币社区的知名人士支持Wyden-Lummis-Toomey修正案,同时抨击第二个提案是误导和破坏性的。

加密货币智囊团Coincenter的执行董事称Warner-Portman修正案是”灾难性的”。Coinbase首席执行官布莱恩-阿姆斯特朗(Brian Armstrong)回应了这一措辞。他在Twitter上说。”……我们可能会发现自己与参议院一起决定哪些类型的加密货币将在政府监管下生存。”



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