Home » “The Game”: Danby Choi felt cheated by “The Game” production:

“The Game”: Danby Choi felt cheated by “The Game” production:

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“The Game”: Danby Choi felt cheated by “The Game” production:

A startled gasp went through the living room when the basement team trooped up in front of the players on the upper floor in the sixth episode of the hit show “The Game”.

In particular, Subjekt editor-in-chief and journalist Danby Choi (30) could be interpreted as being stressed by the sight of the six eliminated celebrity contestants in front of him.

It is no secret that Choi has been a keen and tactical player, who has not been afraid to go his own way during the reality show.

Already during the first vote, the 30-year-old went against the grain. Initiated by former football pro Erik Thorstvedt (61), the celebrities agreed to vote blank. Choi, on the other hand, saw his cut to enter a vote for actress Anette Hoff (62) – who thus became the first person out of the cellar.

Watch the TV moment when the basement team surprised the players upstairs in the video at the top of the story.

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– Was tricked

For TV 2, Choi shares the experience when the basement players suddenly appeared on the sixth day. The journalist admits that the situation was unpleasant.

– The six who are in the basement, I was more or less the initiator of bringing them down. When I then see that all of them come up again, it’s like seeing six of your exes standing together, and now they’ve talked to each other, he says, and continues:

– It’s a very, very difficult situation, which you have of course put yourself in. And I realized that I was “fucked” then, but then it’s about making the best of it, continuing to play and not trying to be a bad loser, and I think I tried to do that.

SHOCK MOMENT: “The Game” contestant Danby Choi was shocked when the eliminated players from the basement appeared upstairs after several days. Photo: TV 2

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As is known in “The Game”, the basement team has gained access to all the ballots after each elimination – without the upper floor having the slightest idea.

Choi says he thought the voices were anonymous, and played accordingly. The 30-year-old claims that the production tricked him.

– There was a bit of noise in the production. I think that I was deceived by the production, because since I choose a very tactical game and vote for someone completely different from what I tell people I vote for, of course I made sure that the votes were anonymous, he explains, and continues:

– I received answers from the production several times that this is 100 percent anonymous, and when the voices then turn out to be revealed to a basement team that will later come up, it is clear that that is what makes it very, very, very difficult for me. It is clear that I would have played differently if I had known that the rules of the “Game” were different.

SCAM: Journalist Danby Choi believed that the ballots were anonymous in “The Game”. To TV 2, Choi says that he inquired with the production several times about whether the votes were anonymous or not. Photo: TV 2

The editor-in-chief is clear that he would have avoided voting for Hoff during the first round if he had known that the votes ended up in the cellar.

– I would never have voted for Anette if I had known that the votes were not anonymous, and I think that should really have been obvious.

On the other hand, he clarifies that he understands the production’s choices and actions.

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– I understand very well that the “Spillet” production had no other choice but to lie to me. So there are no sour faces here. I put on the gloves and played on, and it’s only now that it becomes really fun.

– Answering no would not have been right

TV 2’s press manager, Jan-Petter Dahl, confirms that the production informed Choi that the voting was anonymous in “The Game”.

– It is true that Danby asked if the votes were anonymous when he stood in the voting room on the first day of “The Game”. The question was put to a representative of the production, and that person answered yes because the voices are anonymous upstairs. Answering no would not have been right, and at that time you could not even start an explanation about the downstairs, says Dahl to TV 2.

“The game” is broadcast on TV 2 Direkte at 20:00 every Sunday. The episode is released earlier on TV 2 Play.

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