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The job of a waiter is the most stressful in the world Info

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The job of a waiter is the most stressful in the world  Info

Dejan Nikolić has been doing this work for years, and yes – he agrees with the results of this research.

Source: RINA.RS

We are aware that stress is an inevitable part of our everyday life today. Working with “difficult” colleagues, too many tasks that need to be done, short deadlines, undefined work roles, unclear communication within the company, and the like, are just some of the stressors at work. Everyone’s pain is the hardest, so often many will say that their job is the most stressful.

Still, research that lasted for 17 years, which included 136,000 respondents of various profiles, showed that the most stressful job is still – work waiter. Dejan Nikolić has been doing this work for years, and yes – he agrees with the results of this research.

The job of a waiter is difficult both mentally and physically. You have this shift that you have to do with ancer in your hands and you’re mostly on your feet the whole time. Various guests come to the facility, of course most of them are polite and well-mannered, but there are also those who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, mentally unstable. Some don’t want to go home. The waiter has to deal with all that. That everything is ‘handled’ and that everything in the bar is in order,” says Dejan for RINU.

Whether it is because of the difficulty of the job, or perhaps not so good earnings, our interlocutor reveals that today it is very difficult to find a waiter at all, and only a good one – that is already an impossible mission. Young people rarely decide to work in this branch of hospitality.

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The salary of a waiter in Serbia ranges from about 50,000 to 60,000 dinars. A lot of waiters decide to work only for fun, because they are there daily wages up to 60 euros, and work only on weekends. A lot of them are retiring from work. The waiter must first of all be polite, with a pleasant approach to the guest, but also be quick so that there is no long wait for the service. All this makes work very stressful and my colleagues will confirm that. So the results of the aforementioned research are not surprising,” adds Dejan.

Also, according to research, due to the stress experienced at work, waiters have a 58 percent higher risk of heart attack and stroke, and it is often precisely because of this factor that they reach for alcohol and cigarettes more often.


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