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The lovely Western households


BYOBLU/MNDOCANE 3-25 On air Sunday 9.30pm. REPLAYS Monday 9.30am, Tuesday 11.30am, Wednesday 10.30pm, Thursday 10.00am, Saturday 4.30pm, Sunday 9.00am

In the episode there are the arrest requests from the International Criminal Court. With a sleight of hand, genocidal Israel and Hamas, an anti-fascist and anti-colonialist liberation drive, are positioned on the identical stage. And how one can pair up within the dock the SS and the Garibaldi Brigade, the Nazis of Azov and the resisters of Donbass, Crosetto and Danilo Dolci. But the general public impact so far as Hamas is anxious is like one more spin of an outdated document; the one on Israel is a Hiroshima impact, a bang of historic significance, a discredit equal to a radioactive contamination that kills slowly.

In the episode there’s not but an injunction from the International Court of Justice to cease with the will to increase the genocide to those that stay alive in Rafah and to let within the support vehicles which I actually noticed lined up stopped, prevented by the jailers of Gaza, for 200 km between Suez and Rafah. Other than the mockery of the floating pier demanded by Netaniahu and constructed by the Americans to make the assist of a thousand Marines accessible to the genocides. As effectively as offering an escape path to nowhere for two.3 million evacuees from the brand new Nakba.

In the episode there’s additionally a bellows for the nonetheless vegetating Oliviero Diliberto: former member of the three-headed Hydra recognized, boastfully, as “Italian Communists”: Cossutta, Rizzo and him. Now he’s dean, despite the scholars who display for essentially the most simply causes, of the Faculty of Law at Sapienza. Like Berlinguer’s PCI within the superb ’68-’77, he sides with the police. We then referred to as them “Away with the opposite police”: they did not beat with truncheons and sticks, they beat with political complicity and with Lama’s regulation enforcement service. The ex-PCCino has remained so, and he has discovered the chance to show it. With a panegyric to the rector of Sapienza, exalted for having referred to as the police to devastate tent cities and pro-Palestinian our bodies and with a heartfelt, nearly erotic, protection of the identical from the shameful ridicule reserved for the anti-genocide mob. He inflates himself, Oliviero, past all rationality and anathematizes the crimes of Hamas, as invented by the protagonists of the “Hannibal” pleasant hearth of seven October, with out having discovered something to say in opposition to the horror amusement park arrange by Israel in Palestine for 75 years to today minute second. The robust and pure paracommunist defends and glorifies the settlement between his college, financed by the military-industrial complicated, and the Zionist ones, creators of essentially the most refined means to disintegrate Palestinian youngsters and torture their mother and father in focus camps.

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Amazing. Inconsistent? No surprises and most consistency ages. 1999, preach opposition to capitalism and be a part of, at the price of splitting from an opposition communist occasion
(PRC), in a authorities of the ne plus extremely of capitalist consociational modernity, or slightly bicameral (at present “broad agreements”). Also 1999, Supporting peace and collaboration between socialist international locations, to the purpose of going and kissing the president of Yugoslavia and Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic, below NATO bomb assault, and on the similar time appearing as minister of a warmongering authorities (D’Alema- Mattarella), on the entrance line, with its bases and its means, within the NATO assault on Yugoslavia, Serbia and Milosevic, democratic president of a impartial, peaceable and socialist nation.

How then can somebody be stunned who, like his good friend Marco Rizzo (the third of the triadToday accomplice of communists like Alemanno and Bandecchi), claims to be pro-Palestinian, slings mud at pro-Palestinians within the identify of Arafat (who has no manner of objecting), finds no purpose to show up his nostril on the Israeli genocide and engages within the wrestle to make the agreements with the schools that lubricate the operations of the outlawed State. Just a few million actual communists are spinning of their graves.

Speaking of Iranian President Raisi and the therapy of Mattei given to him by the enemy who has been training murderous and bloodbath terrorism in Iran since 1979, we’re stunned how that nameless EU commissioner didn’t symbolize to the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Konakhidze, the concrete speculation of creating the top of the Iranian equal Ibrahim Raisi. He would have bolstered the warning that, a day earlier, he had as an alternative thrown at him with the flamethrower: “Be cautious, good friend, take into consideration what occurred to my Slovakian colleague Robert Fico for having, such as you, ribbed each Zelensky and people who provide him with weapons , each the WHO and its pandemic sleight of hand”. And for not treating the calamity of all galaxies in the identical manner, Vladimir Putin.

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The West enormously resents the degradation of democracy in Georgia. Democracy tenaciously cultivated, nevertheless, by Gorbachev’s Shevardnaze, when he smeared himself with stars and stripes, within the period of Yeltsin’s outrage. He made Georgia overflow with Western NGOs (USAID, NED, AVAAZ, HRW and and so on.), lavishing advantages on colleges, universities, hospitals, administrations, companies, thus placing them ready to develop a sound ruling class of the nation to be integrated into NATO and the EU. Nothing higher as a social elevate for market lovers.

He was sorry for this, given that somebody even higher than him, Saakashvili, organized a rose revolution, a Maidan with the scent of Tea rose, to go additional and make battle on Russia, by way of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, areas that had escaped the NGOs since they’re populated, like Donbass, by irreducibly anti-Nazi, Russian-speaking and Russophile folks.

Four slaps from Putin to the ill-advised playing supplier from Lasa Vegas have been sufficient and, aside from a couple of deaths, there was solely happy laughter. They had thought – badly, as has now recurrently been the case since Vietnam – that it could be the banquet aperitif, with which within the Naziphile and nativized West one desires of tasting what on the primary try (Napoleon) and on the second (Hitler) , had escaped. The consequence of the mandate obtained from somebody who was extra silly than him hindered his goiter to the purpose of placing an finish to his profession. These have been Saakashvili’s successes which brought on him to be expelled from the entire of Eurasia and disadvantaged of his citizenship in each Ukraine and Georgia. A legal adventurer who ended up, first, governor of Odessa, expensive to him due to the burning odor of the victims within the constructing of the anti-Nazi unions, then a wanderer and stateless

Kissinger stated “To be an enemy of the United States is harmful, however to be a good friend is deadly.” Someone in Georgia discovered their lesson. Obviously not Hillary’s emulator, Salome Zourabichvili, the Georgian president who put the veto, listening to those that favored her rise, in addition to the gangs of manipulated people who find themselves clamoring in opposition to parliament. The sacrosanct regulation, utterly much like that in drive within the USA and the United Kingdom (“Foreign agent” is the NGO that receives cash from exterior), however referred to as “Russian”, requires revealing who, from overseas, has contributed greater than 20% to NGO funding. No extra coloration revolutions Soros, CIA and Mossad.

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The episode additionally tries to grasp one thing else. What must be deduced from the truth that the British High Court accepted the attraction of Julian Assange, half lifeless within the Belsham torture jail, and conceded that the USA didn’t give enough ensures for the applying to the journalist-of- all-us of the First Amendment: free speech. It gnaws at him that that constitutional safety can defend those that inform the reality. He will go as he’ll. Meanwhile, as occurs with Israel and Palestine, plainly the instances have returned when the mobilization of the folks achieves one thing. Step by step in the direction of the revolution.

And the colonialist deportation, within the Rwandan colony of the ugly villain Kagame, of migrants who landed within the United Kingdom (right here, if it is small although…it’s executed with Albania), presents us the chance to unravel thirty years of mega-fraud on who and why made a bloody revenge of the Tutsi feudal lords, managed by French neocolonialism, cross off as genocide carried out by the Hutu plebeians, who as an alternative are have been the victims.

Do you wish to know the way it ends with our pristine Alps, the acute ecological discount of a rustic pockmarked by the smallpox of environmental devastation? Take the Piedmont of the same version of the Winter Olympics in 2006, its indecent waste, its prices to the neighborhood, its skeletons left to rust, multiply every thing by 10 and you should have the reply. The predictable one. The consultative one will probably be planted with some residual conifers. And not even from an ibex or a marmot anymore. They can have fled to South Tyrol.

Now the Milan Prosecutor’s Office has put its nostril into it. This Milanese one, like that of Genoa, which offers with theft on the high, or that of Florence, which investigates generals for having remained with folded arms in entrance of the announcement of the state-mafia massacres of 1993, it’s clearly a prosecutor’s workplace for psycho-aptitude exams. None apart from Nordio, Crosetto, Gasparri, Salvini say it… The greatest.

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