Home » The Milestone of Gender Equality: Mexico’s First Female President Signals a New Era for the Country

The Milestone of Gender Equality: Mexico’s First Female President Signals a New Era for the Country

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The Milestone of Gender Equality: Mexico’s First Female President Signals a New Era for the Country

Mexico Nears Historic Milestone: First Female President

In just over a year, Mexico will embark on a historic moment in its republican history. For the first time, the country will have a female president, marking a significant milestone for Mexico, as well as for Latin America. This achievement is a notable step forward for a country that still grapples with deep-rooted machismo.

Although the official announcement has yet to be made, Xóchitl Gálvez and Claudia Sheinbaum are expected to be the candidates for the presidency. The results of the polls from the government party, Morena, are still pending and will be announced on Wednesday, September 6. It is highly likely that Sheinbaum will secure the nomination, barring any unforeseen circumstances.

On the opposition side, the Frente Amplio coalition has already chosen Xóchitl Gálvez as their candidate, ahead of schedule. The decision was made based on the overwhelming popularity of Gálvez, who faced competition from Beatriz Paredes, a representative from the historic PRI party.

The looming presence of a female president has generated excitement and anticipation among experts and activists. According to Karolina Monika Gilas, a professor at the UNAM Center for Political Studies and an expert in gender representation in politics, “The arrival of a woman to the Presidency will undoubtedly be a milestone in the history of the country.” Adriana Báez Carlos, a national researcher and professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the UNAM, echoes this sentiment, highlighting that the feminist movement in Mexico has gained significant strength and will benefit from a female leader.

It is worth noting that both Sheinbaum and Gálvez have not been active champions of feminist movements. However, the tone of the upcoming campaign is expected to change, and women’s rights will likely be a key issue on the agenda. The role of gender in this campaign is seen as critical, especially considering the high rate of femicide in Mexico. The presence of a female president could potentially help address these crimes more effectively.

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Despite the progress made in gender representation in Mexico, there is still work to be done to eradicate the macho and patriarchal patterns ingrained in society. Gilas emphasizes the need for public policies to achieve a better balance and to combat violence, discrimination, and inequalities.

One challenge that both Gálvez and Sheinbaum may face is the scrutiny that comes with being female candidates. Gálvez, in particular, has faced criticism from President López Obrador, whom she accused of being “macho” for undermining her candidacy. Gender-based violence and attacks on female politicians should have no place in a democratic society.

As Mexico stands on the brink of having its first female president, it is poised to make history and set an example for the rest of Latin America. The journey towards gender equality is ongoing, but this significant step forward marks progress and signals a new era for the country.

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