Home » The Pope to faithful of Amsterdam: Live as brothers in your beautiful city

The Pope to faithful of Amsterdam: Live as brothers in your beautiful city

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The Pope to faithful of Amsterdam: Live as brothers in your beautiful city

This May 4, the Holy Father met with a group of pilgrims from the Dutch capital which, he recalled, is a place that is inhabited by people from many nations called to live fraternity.

Amedeo Lomonaco – Vatican City

It is the 750th anniversary of the city of Amsterdam, the occasion of the meeting of Pope Francis with Dutch pilgrims, among them members of the Catholic Foundation for the promotion of social assistance in the city and the choir of the Basilica of Saint Nicholas. The origins and development of this city, affirmed the Pontiff, are “also linked to faith and the Catholic Church”: a key moment in its history, the Pope recalled, “is the Eucharistic miracle that occurred in 1345 and that is still carried out today. remember with a silent procession and the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.”

Pope’s audience with Dutch pilgrims

In Amsterdam many people work for the poor and migrants

After focusing on Amsterdam’s roots, Pope Francis stressed that today there are many faces of this “beautiful city”:

“At the same time, Amsterdam is a city where many people work for the poor, for migrants, collaborating with the work of the Sisters of Mother Teresa, with the pastoral care of drug addicts, with the community of Sant’Egidio and with many other initiatives. Amsterdam is a city inhabited by people of many nationalities, called to live together as brothers and sisters. Churches, in particular, are places where people from all walks of life and cultures come together.”

The Pope and the pilgrims of Amsterdam

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Finally, Pope Francis urged Dutch pilgrims to “witness with joy to faith and concrete love of neighbor, animated and sustained by the Eucharist.” And that “fraternity and solidarity among the inhabitants of Amsterdam” be promoted.

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