Home » The Spanish left claims the good results in the economy but the polls do not reward it

The Spanish left claims the good results in the economy but the polls do not reward it

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The Spanish left claims the good results in the economy but the polls do not reward it

The Spain lives a constant electoral campaign. For months there have been rallies and polls on regional spring consultations, considered a reliable test for the political elections at the end of the year. Second the projections the good data announced in the economy do not seem to have a reflection on the expectations of the policy.

Almost all the surveys of public opinion institutes do not translate the data provided by Seguridad social – our INPS – into consensus for the left-wing executive, which a few days ago made public the record of affiliations (over 20 million) to the social security institution. The employment rate reaches levels never known before: 240 thousand new jobs and the number of unemployed, for the first time since 2008, is below 3 million people.

An extraordinary gift for any governor who is preparing to face the pitfalls of electoral competition. A figure to which we must add a detail of no small importance, the social peace sealed between the organization of industrialists and the main trade unions, a painful agreement which provides for a wage increase of 4% for 2023 with a further growth of 3% in the next two years.

A result that is anything but obvious, mainly wanted by the premier Pedro Sanchez and the Minister of Labour Yolanda Diazleader of Sumar, new gathering of the left, who have worked alongside the social partners in the last year. It is no coincidence that the pact was openly opposed by the popularcapable of exerting considerable pressure on the employer, officially to limit the exploitation of an executive judged not very credible by conservatives, in fact to ward off the blow of the powerful government rhetoric that would follow. And indeed the ‘sanchismo’ in recent weeks it has made the flag of results in the economy and in the world of work, however the voting intentions are merciless, continuing to attest a significant advance of the rightto such an extent that the same political doctrine is called to review the consolidated paradigm according to which employment data represent the main indicator of a government’s health.

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Today is maybe galloping inflation to have a greater impact on political orientations, and even if the campaign has not formally begun, Prime Minister Sánchez tries to straighten an uncertain course in time by fielding all the useful tools, including the propaganda machine based on the technique of anticipation in each new meeting of the measures that will be adopted within the Council of Ministers.

Yolanda Diazon the other hand, strengthened by the results acquired as Minister of Labour, tries to recover the scene by enhancing the quality of the reforms desired by her department, laws capable of combating precariousness through a robust conversion of forward contracts into open-ended relationships. And in a recent parliamentary speech he proudly announced changes also in the risk prevention protocols, ensuring that those who work outdoors have a precautionary suspension of activities during the intense heat waves that hit the regions devastated by an unprecedented level of drought Before. The quality of the legislative measures on work, according to the minister, would mark a deep gap between the Spanish government and the executive led by the premier Melonshis declarations on the ‘leyes basura’ (read rubbish) wanted in Italy on Basic income and term contracts. A direct criticism to strike Voxthe ultra-right ally of the Brothers of Italy who shares many of the actions taken by the Meloni government in the economic field.

Beyond the transnational controversies, the local elections in the important regions of Madrid and Valencia worry the socialists, the community of the capital seems to confirm itself the prerogative of the right, the game being played in the eastern region is more uncertain. Valencia in recent years it has become an important bulwark of the left and could resist, with a minimum difference, the wave of the right.

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On the local elections next 28 maggio all the spotlights of national politics are focused, and it will also be the results of the islands – the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands – and of the north, Asturias and Navarre, regions governed by the socialists, that will tell whether continuity or change in local Parliaments can be the anteroom than what will be seen in the December consultations.

Meanwhile, an already anomalous local campaign will open next Friday with the concomitant visit of the Spanish premier to the heart of world power, the oval office of the White House. The environments close to Joe Biden they hastened to specify that the date of the meeting was decided by the American president who knew nothing of the local elections.
And it is to be believed.

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