Home » The storm didn’t come until midnight

The storm didn’t come until midnight

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The storm didn’t come until midnight

Even if the sky is blue over Dortmund in the morning (May 2, 2024), the weather service reports that severe thunderstorms are possible during the day. © Wüllner, news 4 Video-Line TV

2 min reading time

Update May 3rd, 9:10 a.m.: Heavy rain showers, lightning and thunder occurred in Dortmund during the night from Thursday to Friday. The fire department takes stock:

The German Weather Service (DWD) had warned of severe storms in western Germany for the afternoon and evening of May 2nd, including over Dortmund. Around 8 p.m. it became apparent that the storm had passed south of Dortmund.

The Dortmund fire department reports that it did not have to go to any operations in this context. However, prolonged rain is still forecast over Dortmund for the night of Friday (May 3rd), but without an official storm warning.

Heavy rain, squalls and hail possible

The DWD had warned of 35 liters of rain per square meter – “locally narrowly limited” even of “extremely heavy rain lasting several hours between 40 and 60 liters per square meter”. Gusts of up to 80 km/h and hail were possible.

The DWD extended its warning to 8 p.m. on the afternoon of May 2nd – with the third highest warning level. According to the rain radar, the storm ultimately raged in the Wuppertal area.

The Dortmund fire department classified the situation

Matthias Kleinhans, spokesman for the Dortmund fire department, said on the morning of May 2nd: “We are very relaxed about it.” Such information is of course passed on to colleagues, but even in the event of a possible higher warning level there are no particularly special preparations within from the fire department: “During the daily handover, you might look a little more closely at the chainsaws.”

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If fallen trees have to be dismantled and moved to the side, you can also count on volunteers from the volunteer fire department to provide reinforcements in Dortmund – just like when cellars are full.

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