Home » “The tree of the hero”, a tune in reminiscence of the decide Giovanni Falcone and the brokers of his escort

“The tree of the hero”, a tune in reminiscence of the decide Giovanni Falcone and the brokers of his escort

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“The tree of the hero”, a tune in reminiscence of the decide Giovanni Falcone and the brokers of his escort

by palermotoday.it – ​​2 hours in the past

An unreleased tune devoted to the reminiscence of Giovanni Falcone, Paolo Borsellino and those that fell within the battle towards the mafia. This is how a Palermo musician who has lived in Rome for years, Marcello Mastrojanni, wished to recollect the victims of the Capaci bloodbath on the day of its thirty second anniversary. The tune known as “Hero Tree”. The tune is…

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Disclaimer – The publish with the title: «“The tree of the hero”, a tune in reminiscence of the decide Giovanni Falcone and the brokers of his escort appeared 2 hours in the past within the on-line newspaper palermotoday.it».

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