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The U.S. publishes a report naming genocide and atrocities in 6 countries including China and Myanmar | Annual report | Xinjiang | Measures to prevent genocide

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[New Tang Dynasty Beijing time July 14, 2021]The US government recently released a report that listed 6 countries or regions, including Xinjiang, China and Myanmar, as high-risk countries and regions for genocide and atrocities. The efforts made by the US government to stop these atrocities. Some experts pointed out that the international community still has some limitations in how to punish acts of genocide.

On Monday (July 12), US Secretary of State Antony Blinken released an annual report on the prevention of genocide and atrocities in the United States. This report introduces the risk assessment conducted by the U.S. government on the existence of genocide and other atrocities in 153 countries. It named and criticized China (the CCP), Ethiopia, Iraq, Syria, and South Sudan, six countries, and described them in detail. The various atrocities that are happening in the country.

The CCP part of the report pointed out that the CCP authorities have committed genocide and crimes against humanity against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, imprisoning, torturing, compulsory birth control and political persecution of Uighur groups. In response, the US government has taken a number of measures to sanction Chinese government agencies and current or former officials involved in human rights violations, including including relevant companies on the list of export control entities and imposing visa restrictions.

According to a report by VOA, Brinken emphasized that the US government will use all available means to prevent atrocities such as genocide, including diplomatic means, foreign aid, fact-finding maps, financial means, contacts, and the issuance of related reports.

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Brinken also said that the release of such a report will help raise people’s awareness of these atrocities and bring coordinated international pressure and response.

On January 14, 2019, the then U.S. President Trump (Trump) signed the Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act of 2018 (Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act of 2018), making it Formally became a law of the United States. The bill requires the U.S. government to make an updated report on the U.S. government’s efforts to prevent and respond to atrocities based on a global assessment of ongoing atrocities and countries at risk of atrocities.

Gregory Stanton, the founder and chairman of the Genocide Watch organization, said in an interview with the Voice of America a few days ago that according to US federal law, no matter where the crime of genocide is committed, evil is committed. Both can be tried in the U.S. federal court, but there is a prerequisite that the perpetrator must be in the United States, because the U.S. court will not try anyone in absentia.

Tom Dannenbaum, assistant professor of international law at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, told VOA that the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide requires governments to prevent and punish genocide. , But does not include the right to use force abroad for this purpose.

Dannenbaum also pointed out that although the Chinese Communist government has signed the “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”, it has expressed reservations to a clause of the Convention, which prevents the prosecution of Chinese legal cases in the International Court of Justice. feasibility.

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(Reporter He Yating Comprehensive Report / Chief Editor: Mei Lan)

The URL of this article: http://cn.ntdtv.com/gb/2021/07/13/a103164841.html

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