Home » The UN climate warning is immediate?The third largest pension fund in the U.S. will review oil and gas investment

The UN climate warning is immediate?The third largest pension fund in the U.S. will review oil and gas investment

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© Reuters. Is the UN climate warning immediate effect?The third largest U.S. pension fund will review oil and gas investment

Financial Associated Press (Shanghai, Editor Xiaoxiang), Sicily, Italy, suffered a “record high temperature” in European history of 48.8 degrees Celsius on Wednesday, which is a short distance from the history issued by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Monday. The most severe climate change warning has just passed two days. The IPCC stated that only in the last decade can countries around the world take rapid and aggressive carbon emission reduction measures to avoid more disasters.

It seems that the latest report of the IPCC has played a role. Some of the world’s large pension funds and sovereign wealth funds that are regarded as benchmarks in the investment industry have now begun to accelerate the formulation of more stringent carbon neutral investment strategies in an attempt to bring global ESG investment. Here comes a new change.

The third-largest public pension fund in the United States, the New York State Common Retirement Fund (New York State Common Retirement Fund) said on Thursday that it will conduct a climate assessment on the assets of $640 million invested in 42 shale oil and gas companies, including ConocoPhillips. ConocoPhillips, Hess and Pioneer Natural Resources.

The New York State Mutual Pension Fund said that major investors, including BlackRock, have reassessed their holdings in fossil fuel producers and urged energy executives to reduce emissions and prepare for a low-carbon world. After the fund has completed its review of the shale field, it plans to switch to oil and gas pipelines and processing investment next.

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In response, Pioneer Natural Resources responded that it looked forward to cooperating with the auditors of the New York State Common Retirement Fund and was “committed to becoming a low-carbon, low-cost energy producer.” A Pioneer Natural Resources spokesperson said, “We will contact shareholders on a regular basis to ensure that we respond to their concerns.”

ConocoPhillips and Ameraldajes declined to comment, but both mentioned the company’s annual sustainability report.


Richard Brooks of Stand.earth, an environmental group, said, “Considering the size of the pension fund, this statement is of great significance and will have a significant impact on all investment-related issues.”

This US$268 billion third-largest public pension fund in the United States has already sold some coal assets and disclosed on Thursday that it will restrict investment in other assets, including Australian coal mining company New Hope Corp (New Hope Corp) and Australia’s No. Shares in Whitehaven Coal, the five largest coal mining company.

The fund previously set ambitious goals for the implementation of the concept of carbon neutrality and carbon emission reduction-by 2040, its asset portfolio will be converted into zero-carbon emission assets.

“We want to see the success of the companies we invest in and go with them all the way. At the same time, we are also very worried that those companies facing the greatest risks of transformation may not be able to successfully transform themselves,” said Liz, executive director of corporate governance of the fund. Gordon said.

The New York State Mutual Pension Fund also recently restricted investments in six Canadian oil sands companies, including Exxon’s Imperial Oil Ltd and Canadian Natural Resources.

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In addition, the fund’s recent report on 13F holdings revealed that it was increasing investment in new energy vehicles in the second quarter, investing in electric vehicle manufacturers Nikola, Xiaopeng Motors, Fisker and Lordstown Motors, and increased A bet on NIO and ideal cars.

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