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“They can’t banish my faith”

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Despite restrictions from the regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, religious activities continued in western Nicaragua during Holy Week. In the Diocese of León, which covers León and Chinandega, parishioners defied the authorities to participate in traditional religious rituals.

In the San Blas parish in Chichigalpa, over 300 faithful gathered on Holy Thursday for the rite of washing feet and the Procession of Silence. Despite police surveillance, parishioners remained undeterred in expressing their faith amidst government repression and persecution.

In Santa Ana Parish in Cinandega, a police patrol monitored the Good Friday Penitential procession, with officers present both in uniform and in plainclothes. Amidst the silent protests, parishioners remained resolute in attending the religious events despite the atmosphere of fear and intimidation.

Despite facing restrictions on public expressions of faith, some parishes were allowed to hold processions within the church grounds, while others faced stricter limitations. The Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Chinandega held their Holy Burial procession within the church atrium, with police officers stationed outside to oversee the event.

The presence of law enforcement during religious processions created a somber atmosphere, with attendees expressing a mix of pity and defiance towards the authorities. Some parishioners used the opportunity to send pictures to loved ones abroad, highlighting the challenges faced by families separated due to economic hardship and political turmoil.

As Nicaragua continues to experience political upheaval, the faithful pray for peace and freedom in the country. Despite the restrictions and surveillance, the spirit of religious devotion remains strong in the hearts of Nicaraguans, as they navigate through uncertain times with faith and resilience.

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