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– This profession appeared to be absolutely the coolest

by admin
– This profession appeared to be absolutely the coolest

Every week we ask the same 10 questions to different Tekna members. This week it is Ida Strand’s (36) turn:

Education: Doctor-engineer in marine engineering.

Profession: Works as a marine engineer in Marine Engineering in ScaleAQ Seabased with development of new products.

– To JRR Tolkien: How do you think to build an exciting world?

– What is your morning routine?

– I get up early, prepare a pot of oatmeal, stretch my body a bit, and write a bit to get an overview of the day to come and the day that was. Then the children wake up, we eat porridge and I cycle to work early. At work there will be a cup of coffee, either with some colleagues or in front of the computer screen.

– What does a normal working day look like for you?

– A normal working day involves analysis of aquaculture constructions, validation and development of models. Data from both model trials and full-scale trials are obtained and analysed. I also prepare documentation for certification. Some meetings. One day can also involve visits to the site to help during installation, carry out tests and gain experience from customers.

– What are you working on right now?

– Right now I’m working on upsizing a semi-closed system that we’re developing, called Vortex. Which is a system to get rid of salmon lice.

– What are you doing to contribute to sustainability – small or large?

– I contribute by building more well-thought-out, safer products with a strong focus on material use and fish welfare in collaboration with good, committed colleagues.

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– What is the funniest/weirdest thing you have experienced at work?

– One of the most rewarding days was when I stood on the edge of the cage when fish came into the Vortex, after having analyzed and documented it for certification.

– I ended up studying civil engineering after trying and considering other professions.

– Why did you choose this profession?

– I ended up in civil engineering after trying and considering other professions, and then the navy appeared to be absolutely the coolest.

– Why did you organize yourself?

– I think it came across as a completely natural thing to do.

– How can we best recruit children and young people to choose science?

– We have to show the children that it is fun and useful. A wonderful tool for understanding our incredible world.

– If you could ask one question to a historical person, who would it be, and what would you ask?

– To JRR Tolkien: How do you think to build an exciting world?

– What do you think your profession will look like in 10 years?

– We work more with knowledge through data, and in closer cooperation between professional groups.

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