Home » Tortoise performs in SP of the emblematic TNT album in its entirety

Tortoise performs in SP of the emblematic TNT album in its entirety

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Tortoise performs in SP of the emblematic TNT album in its entirety

Internationally recognized, the post-rock pioneers return to the country after 8 years


Photo: Disclosure

The label and producer Balaclava Records presents the arrival of the North American group Tortoise to the country, in a unique presentation at this fair, on May 9th, at Cine Joia, in São Paulo. In the repertoire, the classic album TNT (1998) in its entirety, still on tour to celebrate the 25th anniversary of this iconic album.

The live lineup features musicians Dan Bitney, Doug McCombs, Jeff Parker, John Herndon and John McEntire, as well as a string and wind ensemble, faithfully interpreting the album’s original recording. This is the first of his albums to feature instruments such as violin, trombone and cello, showing an evolution from the previous Millions Now Living Will Never Die (1996), now bringing more complex and ethereal compositions. This will be reflected in the show, accompanied by a group of five musicians to best recreate all the sound textures.

In this work, the group exchanges instruments between its members, which organically led them in a direction in which they could more freely explore some sounds such as jazz, minimalism or the electronic influence of krautrock.

The quintet has been in uninterrupted activity for more than three decades. During this period, they released seven studio albums, with The Catastrophist (2016) being the most recent. This avant-garde show has been presented by Tortoise on major stages around the world, such as the Primavera Sound festivals in Barcelona, ​​the Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago, the Japanese Fuji Rock festival and many others.

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This is the third announcement of an international show by Balaclava this year, which has already included the appearance of the English King Krule and the arrival on August 18 of the alternative rock trio Karate, in a unique performance in Brazil.


May 9, 2024

7pm – Opening of the House.

21h –Show Tortoise


Lot 2: Social Ticket R$185 / Half R$175 / Full R$350 CABINET

Lot 1: Social Ticket R$195 / Half R$185 / Full R$370

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