Home » Total Solar Eclipse April 8, How is the Eid Al-Fitr Date Calculated?

Total Solar Eclipse April 8, How is the Eid Al-Fitr Date Calculated?

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Total Solar Eclipse April 8, How is the Eid Al-Fitr Date Calculated?


The Total Solar Eclipse phenomenon will occur on April 8 2024. What impact will this phenomenon have on the calculations for the start of the month of Shawwal or Eid al-Fitr?

Reporting from detikInetTuesday (2/4/2024), Chairman of the Board of Directors of the United Arab Emirates Astronomical Association (UAE), Al Jarwan, revealed that Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri is expected to fall on Wednesday (10/4/2024).

The Islamic consensus points to the first day of the month of Shawwal which falls on April 10 2024. That means Muslims fast for 30 days.



Al Jarwan explained that the appearance of the Shawwal crescent moon will coincide with the occurrence of a Total Solar Eclipse on April 8 2024.

The appearance of the crescent moon before midnight implies that it will be visible after sunset the next day in most of the Islamic world.

That means, the presence of a crescent moon is a ‘signal’ for the entry of a new moon. In this case, the month of Ramadan ends and the month of Shawwal comes.

This also indicates that Muslims are ending their Ramadan fasting and right at the beginning of the month of Shawwal, they will gather to perform Eid al-Fitr prayers which are usually held in mosques and open fields.

Previously, Astronomer and Astrophysicist from the Space Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Thomas Djamaluddin, also responded to the connection between the Total Solar Eclipse and Eid 2024.

“The total solar eclipse at the end of Ramadan 1445 H occurred on the American Continent at noon April 8 2024 American time. In Indonesia, it was (was) nighttime. The peak of the eclipse corresponded to the new moon marking the beginning of Shawwal 1445 H, early morning April 9 2024, ” said Thomas (22/3/2024).

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Furthermore, Thomas explained, the astronomical new moon, called the ijtimak geocentric conjunction, occurred in the early hours of the morning at 01.36 WIB.

“Therefore, at Maghrib on April 9 in Indonesia, the position of the moon was quite far from the Sun, around 8 degrees. Based on reckoning or calculations and magic or observation, the position of the moon was guaranteed to be the start of Shawwal or Eid al-Fitr on April 10 2024,” he said.

This article was published on detikInet. Read more here!

Watch the video “The total solar eclipse phenomenon will occur this April”
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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