Home » Trump on the attack: “The virus is Chinese and came out of their laboratory”

Trump on the attack: “The virus is Chinese and came out of their laboratory”

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“The media and Democrats are now admitting that the origin of the virus is in a Chinese government laboratory.” So Donald Trump, speaking at the Republican convention in North Carolina, points out how his theory on the origin of the coronavirus in the Wuhan laboratory is now being accredited by many parties. “I call it the Chinese virus – he adds – because I want to be accurate”. “The time has come – he continued – for the world to ask China to account for what happened with the pandemic. It is time for China to pay, it must pay”

Covid tested flights from the US, the arrival of the first American tourists in Fiumicino: “Finally in Italy”

Johnson, immunize the world by 2022

At the G7 summit next week, the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, will ask the leaders of the group for a common commitment to ensure that the whole world is vaccinated against Covid by the end of 2022. Downing Street anticipates this. The summit will be hosted by the United Kingdom, in Cornwall, and will kick off on 11 June with the participation of the heads of state or government of France, Italy, Japan, Germany, the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Malaysia, industries restrict production and workforce due to “lockdown”

Malaysian industries have reduced production and limited workforce capacity to 60 percent, due to the two-week “lockdown” launched on June 1st. As reported by “Channel news Asia”, the reduction of the workforce is part of the measures imposed by the authorities as part of the new restrictions for Covid. Shamsuddin Bahardin, secretary of the Malaysian Federation of Employers (Mef), said that “about 30 per cent of the employees of the commercial industry were authorized to operate during the two weeks of closure”.

Covid-19, the announcement of the EMA: “Yes to the Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine for the 12-15 age group”

Mexico: 2.4 million cases

Mexico reported 2,649 new confirmed cases of coronavirus infection and 186 additional deaths on Saturday, bringing the total cases to 2,432,280 and the death toll to 228,754, the health ministry said.
Separate government data recently released suggests that the actual death toll may be at least 60% higher than the confirmed figure.

Taiwan will receive 750,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine from the United States

United States Senator Tammy Duckworth said on Sunday that Taiwan will receive 750,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine from the United States, as part of a plan announced last week to share the country’s stock.
Duckworth made the announcement at a press conference shortly after arriving in Taipei.



See also  Japan, the emperor "worried" about the increase in Covid with the Olympics. Already the first athletes infected

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