Home » Trump pal Tucker Carlson in Moscow

Trump pal Tucker Carlson in Moscow

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Trump pal Tucker Carlson in Moscow

Why is Tucker Carlson in Moscow? Several media outlets are speculating that the controversial US presenter could be the first Western journalist to interview Putin since the start of the war. The Kremlin is pretending to be ignorant.

On Monday (February 5th), numerous Russian media outlets distributed images of Tucker Carlson strolling through Moscow. The controversial former Fox News presenter has reportedly been in the Russian capital for days and visited, among other things, the Bolshoi Theater. But the media speculates that Carlson’s visit to Russia was by no means just a tourist attraction.

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The British newspaper “The Telegraph”, among others, suspects that Trump’s friend could be the first Western journalist to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin since the start of the war of aggression against Ukraine. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was asked by reporters on Monday about the explosive US visit and asked, among other things, whether Carlson had visited the Russian administration building in the center of Moscow. Peskov replied curtly: “I in no way comment on the movements of an American journalist.”

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Carlson himself spoke about his visit to Moscow in an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia”. “It’s beautiful,” said the controversial presenter. “I just wanted to see it because I’ve read so much about it but never seen it before.” When asked by a reporter if he was in Moscow to interview Putin, Carlson replied with a smile: “We’ll see.”

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Carlson is known for his pro-Putin stance and only said in an interview with the Swiss “Weltwoche” in September 2023 that he had made an attempt to interview the Russian president. Apparently the US government prevented him from doing so.

Since his firing from Fox News, Tucker Carlson has been regularly posting interviews with controversial figures on Twitter. Among other things, he spoke to former US President Donald Trump and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

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